by badboy 11 Replies latest jw friends
That ones that rusted because nobody can find the ark
The Message Bible:
Genesis 4: 19 -22 Lamech married two wives, Adah and Zillah. Adah gave birth to Jabal, the ancestor of all who live in tents and herd cattle. His brother's name was Jubal, the ancestor of all who play the lyre and flute. Zillah gave birth to Tubal-Cain, who worked at the forge making bronze and iron tools. Tubal-Cain's sister was Naamah.
According to Jewish tradition, this Naamah was the wife of Noah. If so, Tubal-Cain as Noah's BIL, could have made them for Noah.
Or, Noah could have made tools for himself. He had a long time in which to do so.
I don't believe Noah had access to metal. And I doubt he would have needed it.
One can make a crude ax from a rock. There are types of rock that can be ground to a sharp edge (flint). Using that, one can cut down trees and chop them down to size (of course, it is a lot of extra work compared to today's metal axes). It would not require metal to put the tar on the logs (though 120 years is still plenty of time for the first logs laid down to rot).
Fasteners? They used wooden pegs fitted into holes that were cut out with the stone blades. It was a lot of work, but they had no other way in those days. Pegs could be hammered into place with a big rock, and Noah had the use of vine-based rope to hold things together (though the rope would have rotted in due time).
However, I have other reason to believe the whole thing was a fallacy. There was no way to store food on the ark, without refrigeration, and keep it good for that amount of time. There would have been health issues from no sanitation. The logs would have had time to rot badly enough to weaken them; that would have made the whole structure prone to breaking. And, there is no way the weight of the water would have exceeded the weight of the rocks that had to be pushed down for ocean basins (as would have had to happen in order to create a place for the water to drain).
Another reason the Watchtower Society wants people to do poorly in science. Thinking people do not fall for the scams and tricks of the Watchtower Society.
The tradition in the Genesis Rabbah of course is a late piece of midrash.
The mention of iron tools in Genesis is anachronistic as the text is generally understood; only bronze tools would have been available in the third millenium BC, aside from the very rare use of meteoric iron.
It was copper.The reason no one can find the ark is because the crack heads of noah's day hacked the ark up and sold it to the scrap yard on 172'nd street.
one can make a crude axe from rock
Fred & Barney did it all the time
edmond dantes
According to Mrs Noah it was a special tin because during the long nights on the cruise of a life time she was heard erotically talking to Mr Noah saying "your on your metal tonight, wrigglytin Noah lad."
I dont know whether I believe in the ark story or not. It's true that they havent found the ark at least not so we can see it.
But I ask do they have any 4000 year old pieces of wood or things made out of wood that have been laying around for 4000 years. I suspect if there was an ark it would have deteriorated, organic things decompose especially after 4000 years.
Wikpedia says the bronze age was 4 milleniums before Christ. So the bible saying they had bronze would be correct with secular history.
A Titanium-Rhodium alloy. Either that or bronze or just plain old copper.