Firm and determined in this time of the end!

by dawg 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • BFD

    Some are just more damaged than others. Dogadoodoo really pisses me off with all the inbedding he does.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Dogaradodya, if you must post classical music, can you pleassssssse post music with a melody such as Clair De Lune or Bethoven's 7th? I love classical music. I detest what I call classical jam. It's not more pleasant to listen to than endless rock guitar or jazz jam.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    That was actually one of the better Kingdom Melodies.

    It was? Why, is it shorter?


    A. I have and do take a stand.

    B. That was my favorite song. I got choked up every single time I sang it. Make fun if you will.

  • dawg

    Now that we've gotten off the subject thanks to Daragodogfa or what ever the hell's his name. Can we return to persoanl expierences and what has happned to each of us?

  • dawg

    What happened when you took a stand Awake?

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    some people take a stand here, and your one DAWG . even though I was forced to go to the hall etc. from the late 1960's, to mid 70's. I never beleived a word of it. but at the same time I always thought the jw's were very bible savy, and knew their stuff. fast foward to 1996-7 breaking up with my wife and living back with my parents. my dad had the perfect study, ME. OUT OF WORK sitting around the house all day , dad preached to me day and night. ( he must have got 200 hours a month out of me.) I tried to hold my ground just based on 1975, cross etc without any research. and I did farely well. but I would allways lose some how? One day I was sitting on the crapper reading A new wt mag about the 1919 convention and the book "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" well the flood gates opened. I wanted to read this "truth" from 1919 so bad. for 6 MONTHS i learned no jw i've ever talked to read this "TRUTH" or could get their hands on the booklet. well I found "MILLIONS NOW WILL NEVER DIE" AND STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES ALSO. all hell broke out once I was quoting all these false prophecies. I was even making copies of many pages and showing them to elders etc. they were all floored you pick the date ,false teaching, etc. I would print it out from the main public library at 42 nd st. new york. I did all the work and they called me a liar. this went on for months. and I will tell you I never backed down, and no jw could prove me wrong, no matter who they throw in front of me. i always asked "WAS THIS PROPER SPRITUAL FOOD FROM JEHOVAH AT THE PROPER TIME? WAS THAT "TRUTH"?. IF NOT THEM THE WT IS LYING TO YOU TODAY ABOUT 1919/1914 ETC. and there is no way around it. JEHOVAH HATES A FALSE WITNESS... and the wt is a false witness you guys have been jw's for 50 years and it took me to teach you this????????/ you should be ashamed of your selves. !!!!!!!! long story short they told my dad to put me out of his house. I lived in my car for 6 months till i saved enough $$$$$$$$ to get an apt. ALL BECAUSE I EXPOSED EVERY JW , BETHELITE, C.O. THAT THEY BROUGHT INFRONT OF ME IN N.Y.C. AS SPRITUAL DRUNKARDS... and that's the short story. keep up your good work DAWG. JOHN

  • jaguarbass

    I took a stand, I told my family and inlaws and friends I wasnt going to another meeting back in 83. And dont talk to me like I am a witness, with any of your brainwashing lingo. From 76 to 83 I went around with anyone who wanted to talk about problems with the wactower, God and the bible. It was pretty much like talking to the wall. People see and hear what they want to hear. When the student is ready the teacher appears. By the time I left in 83 I was 31 years old. I had a life of being on the outside and ostracized for being a witness the fear of them ostracizing me didnt phase me at that point. I learned to be a self contained unit, a rock by that time.

    For those who I knew who stayed in the organization, I could see it was a social net work, kind of a subculture, that they all functioned in. It takes a lot of work to reinvent oneself. Some people are happy with the way they and things are. It didnt work for me. I figure my experience with the wac tower was my mothers malfunction.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    what have you done and how's it working if you don't mind me asking?

    I think it's working great on my kids. Perhaps a little too great, in fact. None of them are baptized. And if any ever do, it will be with the full knowledge that it's just to maintain peace & preserve family/social ties. I'm pretty sure the genie is out of the bottle as far as my kids really believing this is God's chosen channel.

    There's a see-saw effect between progress with my kids and progress with my wife. When the kids become aware of some new problem with JWism, they'll start voicing this and my wife will immediately go into protective Mama Bear mode. At that point, she is COMPLETELY closed off to anything critical of the Organization. So, I'll let that cool down a bit, and bring up something with my wife several days (or even weeks) later when the time is right for her.

    My strategy is to slowly but surely expose one JW inconsistency after another for both my kids and my wife. The more I do this, the more prepared they will be to finally "wake up" someday.

    The conventional wisdom I have gleaned from this board and from Steve Hassan is that direct confrontation usually doesn't work when combatting "cognitive dissonance".

    But that's my situation.

    I think the approach you've taken with some of your relatives makes sense too. It sounds like with many of them you only have a brief window of opportunity to reach them so you don't mince words.


  • sooner7nc
    Hi Howard

    Holy crap dawg! Your real names Howard? I thought it was dawg!

    I'm pretty early in the getting out process, so I've still got the "stand" ahead of me. I imagine that one day it will be unavoidable, and that when it does happen, it won't be pleasant. Even knowing this, I can't not make a stand on this subject, and still have a clear conscience. This is gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done, without a doubt.


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