frenzied sex attack on a Jehovahs Witness
by Bryan 10 Replies latest jw friends
That guy Dixie is in big trouble. Many people believe JWs do not believe in lying and expect JWs to tell the truth. This JW woman's testimony is damaging to him. What a creepy guy.
She said she tricked him by saying, “No, not here” – and suggested she should drive him to her parents’ house.
Smart lad wasn't he? and he only got a light punishment.!
I give that woman credit for quick thinking. I bet she is alive today because she appeared cooperative and stayed smart.
I said it before and I'll say it again, the door to door work is dangerous and they are out of their minds to do it that way. And, they let kids work together, walking up to strangers' houses, out of sight of their parents. They are nuts. I worry about the kids especially.
Back in the 40's, seven black men raped a sister in Virginia who was selling WTs. They were all given the death sentence and were executed. I was about 10 at the time and still remember the incident. It is on the internet but I forgot her name.
Ken P.
Back in the 40's, seven black men raped a sister in Virginia who was selling WTs. They were all given the death sentence and were executed
This must have been devestating for the poor woman involved. I hope every guilty party was held accountable. Having said that, I'd like to hear from the accussed. Oh, that's right, they're dead. I'm assuming the victim was white. (I wonder what the punishment would have been if the races were reversed?)
Sorry, it just smells of racism and lynch mob mentality.
I digress from the topic. My apologies.
The woman, in her mid-40s at the time, claimed Dixie threatened to kill her if she screamed. She told the court: “I definitely thought he was going to rape me.”
Anyone found this poignant in light of the Society's historic dictum on screaming and rape?
Even their recent statements on the subject are out of touch with reality:
*** w03 2/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
Even in the sad case where a woman is overpowered and raped, her struggle and screaming for help is not in vain. On the contrary, it establishes that she did all she possibly could to resist her attacker. (Deuteronomy 22:26) Despite going through this ordeal, she can still have an undefiled conscience, self-respect, and the assurance that she is clean in God’s eyes.
Isn't that nice? Great tactful use of words that remind the rape victim of feeling "defiled" and "unclean". Worded perfectly to make JW victims who had little recourse to resist feel guilty and dirty, wondering if they "did all they possibly could" in retrospect.
feeling unclean in God's eyes (which OF COURSE reinforces the in feeling of revulsion from the experience
I'm forced to wonder what would have happened to the girl if she HAD gotten raped? What could she have told the elders? Yeah I didn't scream I told him "lets go over to my parents house and do it there..." Df'ed for sure!
I thought she was supposed tio scream