Dear friends,
I would like to say “thank you” for the gratitude expressed for the scans I have been providing.
I had the time to do this while I was sitting at my computer during the hours, days and weeks that I cared for my very sick wife. At the moment, my partner of 46 years lies very ill in hospital, so you will understand that I currently do not have the time to scour the various Threads and Posts. So I am taking this opportunity to say “thanks” for each time you have acknowledged my efforts, small though they be.
I have several reasons for providing the material.
Others are able to cover most if not all of the historical matters pertaining to these religious overlords. I do not have such resources and am genuinely delighted that there are people who give of their talents so freely.
I wanted to provide well researched non-WTS material that pertains to current situation, but having regard to the commercial rights of the authors. Hence I looked at presenting parts from material in my possession that might be about 40 to 50 years “old”.
I want to show any JW that the GB/WTS does not provide genuine scriptural understanding, but is only interested in maintaining its own power base, using any means to achieve it. I want to show JWs that there is any number of people who have a genuine faith in God, despite the way that the GB/WTS paints them.
I wished I could provide the PDF of “Visions of Glory”, but the copyright restriction prevented me doing so. That marvellous account is available at no charge on the www, and any person with a program such as Acrobat Writer (not Reader) is able to convert the HTML to PDF.
I hope that soon I will be able to continue in some way with my responsibilities to my many friends at JWD. I am certain you will understand.
I believe that of the various bits and pieces I provided, by far the most important is “The Cross in the New Testament” by Leon Morris.
This presents the story of Salvation, something that the GB/WTS does not want its followers to know.
Leon Morris was the Principle of Ridley College at the University of Melbourne, and I had the privilege at one stage of being able to communicate with this brilliant and committed man. Any one of his many books is a testimony to him and a wonderful memorial. I made use of the library at Ridley College while researching my study on that deceitful booklet of misquotations, “JWs and the Question of Blood”.