When we humans learn to overcome the fear of death we are a long way to finding a way to live without religion. Religion tries to define God (put him in a box) so that we can understand him. I feel that if there is something, that is so incredibly powerful and complicated, there is just no way that we can bring him/her/it down to our level of understanding. It is way beyond our comprehension. I can understand animists that worship the nature, sun whatever. It makes sense.....its what we depend upon to survive. I think though that what ever gets you through this life is fine as long as it does not restrict your human curiosity, love for all people and personal integrity. I am without God at the moment and taking time out.
Could You Live Without God?
by serotonin_wraith 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If one believes in God, it seems impossible to "live without" since that would then be denying its existance. So the question is really, have you denyed the existance of God (in what ever term you describe it) and how are you coping with the consequences of your belief?
I don't believe in the god that most of you describe and are in disdain of, but to capture and describe an "unknowable essence" is beyond my capacity. I can deal with the concept of His existance, once I shuck all the silly OT and human encrusted defininitions thereof.
Not quite Carmel. I probably didn't word it right. For those who believe in a god, how would you feel if you discovered there wasn't one (let's say proving a negative can be done)? Many who don't believe aren't that bothered at the thought of there being no god. It certainly doesn't bother me. I think the desire for there to be a god is so strong in some that it becomes one of their reasons for believing.
If someone says 'I believe, but it wouldn't bother me if there was no god' that's one thing. But if someone says 'I believe, and I think I'd kill myself or get extremely depressed if there wasn't a god,' that may be something to think about. Desires can override rational thought on occasion.
real one
NEVER! no way you guys are crazy....yes the wts is a false prophet...but that does not mean that God does not exist...open your hearts to Jesus...read the book of Romans..the Bible speaks of false prophets...so we ran into one that tricked us ...so what live on!
real one
Go to your meetings but realize you are in false religion and ask questions
Could You Live Without God? ABSOLUTELY YES
Journey speaks of "a realm of consciousness that we are all connected to and all have the ability to commune with."
Burn says "my experience with the numinous is an important part of life."
Satanus matches my views with "It's not a god out there somewhere. Meditation is a good starting point."
When my mind is quiet, I become aware of the experience of being a part of something larger than myself. It doesn't seem to be a creator or sky daddy; it doesn't disturb me that this might be an illusion or a natural part of the world or just a way of seeing this body as part of a biosphere.
Because I have no God running my life, I get to own and be responsible for my life.
I can and I do. I gave up imaginary friends when I was 5, well, except one I gave up 20 years later. I called that one God.