Sorry, I didn't do a good job of proofreading my own post.
Do you consider your time as a JW wasted time??
by karter 46 Replies latest jw experiences
real one
nope we all have a purpose in life. being there wasnt all bad...they do teach some truth like the pharisees
Yes, it was a total waste of time. I regret every minute that we wasted in that cult. My children were young when we got sucked in and now they are young adults. I feel like I need to make up for lost time.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Yes. Except, I have been successful in sales for many years as a result of the fine training I gained from pioneering while not making a penny.
nope, we are who we are because of the things we've experienced. I for one like who I am.
LouBelle said:
and I like who I am today. - I have that real joy they used to speak about by never felt. I do treasure my freedom from relgion, my freedom to think for myself -No one other than an xjw knows/understands that feeling.
Good for you!! I hope someday I can have the same joy, and feel that comfort with myself. I do feel that I notice everything now. Before, I was so D@&% busy that I could not see life passing by. And yes, no one other than an ejw could possibly understand......
natasha wench
I was born into it as well. Total waste of time. Didn't learn essential skills just to cope with real life in the real world. Still managed to do well for myself, minus one entire family....and not without scars. Their loss, definately not mine. It's sad but almost amusing the watch these "happy happy people" stumble around and bump into themselves constantly. Must be why all the migranes in the family.