Who Do You Speak To More - God Or JWD Members?
by serotonin_wraith 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
real one
wow all the responses on this post clearly yell out to me that you guys dont have a clue who Jesus Christ is.Please read the book of Romans and then maybe you can start to form a relationship with God.
Tyrone van leyen
I'd have to say I talk to JWD more. There's this interesting phenomemnon I noticed. When you talk on JWD you get replies. When you talk to God. No replies, none at all. I'm serious just try it and see for yourself. Pray to God, wait for a reply. You won't get one! 20 times out of 20. Try asking a question on JWD. You'll get a response 20 out 20 times. Sorry God. You lose .
I speak and discuss with people. I commune with God. When we stop looking at God as an Invisible Daddy
out there somewhere who we want to take care of all our needs and problems, then get pissed off because
He doesn't, we will begin to learn how to work within the Universal Laws and thereby recognize and use the power we have to heal
ourselves. For millenia, God has been viewed as this Invisible Man that we look to for help rather than as an intelligent
creative energy force that we ourselves can access with the right "equipment" and "tools".
It's hard to get past that mindset. FREE WILL separates us and releases us to make our own choices and suffer our own consequences,
not only as individuals, but as a species.
Welcome to JWD real one!
I have never enjoyed the bible book of fantasy and why would I waste my time finding god when he doesn't exist?
Your are certainly free to believe just don't try to make me a believer, OK?
real one
ok ex-nj-jw spend the rest of your life miserable then its your choice! I was never baptised as a jw but i studied for 17 years. I wanted to learn about God but instead I know know how crafty the Devil is. But its ok ill keep serving God! He has us in places for reasons.
Something like that happened to my wife too. She was a seriously suicidal teen and a bible study with the JWs basically saved her.
Things happen for a reason I think. Even if we can't see all the ends.
So, was she angry at God before she studied WT literature (not the Bible) or afterward or both?
JW's only saved her from having no purpose, so they could use her for their purpose- selling magazines
to make the leaders more comfortable. Why couldn't God have led her to something constructive instead
of a mind-control cult? PEACECORPS, Breast Cancer Research, PETA, something better.Not to sidetrack the thread, but BULLSH%T!
If the rape and murder of innocent children is something that happens for a reason, then I
am even more angry at God. -
Oh sweetie I'm not miserable in any way shape or form, so don't get it twisted. I don't need god, or jesus, or the bible or any organized religion to be a whole, complete, happy person.
I'm good, really so don't worry about me, mmmk?
real one
yeah same thing Satan said and we know where he is going!
ok ex-nj-jw spend the rest of your life miserable then its your choice! I was never baptised as a jw but i studied for 17 years. I wanted to learn about God but instead I know know how crafty the Devil is. But its ok ill keep serving God! He has us in places for reasons.
and you can continue to live your life delusioned and in ignorant bliss serving a fairy tale. how dare you tell someone who you don't know they are miserable because they don't share the same belief as you.