Are We Any Better Than the Witnesses?

by Caljuher 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    The board is what it is. You can take from it whatever you want. Their are interesting veiwpoints heated debates( which can be fun) Humour. The board is a cross section of life and all the different types, but specifically the different types, that have their own personal story to tell and their own personal pain and misjudgments. Sometime you have to feel your way around about when dealing with other people. Such is life. Such is the board. It is that diversity that makes it great. There is also a very welcoming, caring, helpful and warm side to the board. The board consists of all the things that make us human, and we must see our own reflection in it. Always remember that bad karma that is undeserved returns to get you. Remember that you are the other person. and lastly, remember that ego distorts reality.

    Your initial question was are we better any better than witnesses. I think in the sense of open mindedness, a sense of freedom to explore other avenues of veiwing a problem, and a desire to see our families free of a cult after being shunned says a lot for the kind of people here.

    I must say however, keep in mind, when you say, we, "WE" are just a cross section of society. Good and bad. It can't be generalized. You have to see it for what it is in all of its diversity and seek what you like about it. Like atracts like. If you act like an inetellect you attract many different ideas. If you act like a jerk, your karma will come back to you the same way. If you are a flirt or a joker you will attact like mindedness. It's all perspective. You don't have to take anybody's insults personally. The only reason I might, at times, is because it's all being done in a public fashion, and sometimes it just sends the wrong message of being a punching bag, if you let it go.

  • Caljuher

    Tyrone, you are right. Take it or leave it. I am leaving it, after a short time.

    This is what you all enjoy, so more power to you. I have never felt so unwelcomed or hated since I left the Watchtower and those JWs...

  • VoidEater

    Tyrone, you are right. Take it or leave it. I am leaving it, after a short time.

    That is rather disappointing, but make the decision that is right for you. I think if you want to improve something, you must engage with it.

  • BreakingAway

    Tyrone, you are right. Take it or leave it. I am leaving it, after a short time.

    This is what you all enjoy, so more power to you. I have never felt so unwelcomed or hated since I left the Watchtower and those JWs

    Caljuher, I'm not sure I understand you here.You have received some very balanced answers stating there are many here that have been abused, that have lost nearly everything and that this will result in a great deal of pain and "negative talk".I was an elder for a number of years and I can tell you we had the same thing in the congregation where some members were simply at each others throats.

    People are people no matter where you go.I see you have received some rather straightforward answers but is it possible that you're feeling rather sensitive and vulnerable right now ? Perhaps even projecting emotions onto others that you feel might be "harsh" or "unreasonable" with you ? I personally don't see where anyone has expressed even a remote bit of hatred for you.

    I agree that it can seem a bit overwhelming at first to read such frank , and yes angry, comments and threads, but again, please keep in mind that a kicked around and abused animal is going to lash out at nearly anyone, even those trying to help.Some can't seem to look beyond the pain right now and yet others may be looking for a pat on the back for "sticking it to the man".Negative experiences in life can produce a wide range of emotional problems.One can't expect that such things will be worked out overnight.Take a look at these verses....

    Ec 7:10 "Surely oppression maketh the wise mad,"


    "Don't listen to everything that everyone says, or you might hear your servant cursing you. Haven't you cursed many others? I told myself that I would be smart and try to understand all of this, but it was too much for me."

    Even if one doesn't believe in the Bible you have to admit that there's good advice here.At one point or another in our life we've all acted this way.Just one more thing too.Imagine if your friends had all been through some terrible experience together.Perhaps, victims of a robbery or hostage type situation or some other painful experience.Imagine if you invited them over to your house shortly after this occurred.You would likley here many painful and angry statements about what they went through.Maybe they'd even lash out at you and tell you :"You don't understand what it's like ! " Everyone handles thing differently.What's traumatic for one, isn't to another. I suggest taking a step back to look at the big picture.Trying to put ourselves in another persons shoes is one of the most difficult things we'll ever do.

  • Mastodon

    At least we don't go around ruining ppls Saturday mornings... and we let our children watch the Smurfs and Knight Rider.

  • nondescriptex

    This forum provides a badly needed place where people can freely express their thoughts and feelings. A basic level of civility is appropriate, to facilitate communication. But trying to be "better", being concerned with appearances, worrying about what THEY will think... that kind of pressure is what many here are escaping.

  • Spook

    From a standpoint of exchanging ideas, debate, even if laced with ad hominem and other attacks, is better than the prohibition of debate. I'm fine with struggling over ideas in very heated form.

    From the standpoint of healing: I don't feel it is necessary to ever forgive those who have done extreme wrong. Obsessing on it, however, is unhealthy. A little therapy helped get beyond this, and I strongly recommend it to any who find themselves in that situation.

    Any belief system open to new information and discussion is better than a closed internal feedback system for the rest of humanity. So I generally don't fault moderates in any way. Many of my current friends, some in Philosophy Phd programs, some anthropologists, are moderately theistic. Our debates are rigorous and heated, but best enjoyed over a few tall glasses of beer in mixed company with people of various backgrounds and beliefs.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    You don't know what your missin Calhujer. Don't take cyber space so personal, or try to put people in a box. Let it happen man. You'll find your way!

  • Hortensia

    You just got here and you've decided you don't like us. Oh well, it's a free internet. The internet is also the wild frontier - takes a certain kind of independence and tough-mindedness to thrive.

  • Satanus

    Don't worry, calhujer will be back. He/she will get over it.

    Btw, should we be better than jws? Why? Jws got rules. rules, rules. The more rules they manage not to break, the better they think they are. Kinda like the pharisees. Jesus came along and broke their shitty rules all to pieces, and he hung out w scum. He hurt a few feelings, too.

    Personally, wt rules are right out of my paradigm. I try to do the right thing in each situation. Don't need no rule book to do that. I listen to my subconscious, for it knows all. Heh heh ;)


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