If given this choice, which one would you choose?

by journey-on 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    VoidEater: Taste would be a hard one to give up. When I am really craving chocolate...I mean, really craving it...and I get my hands on a delicious piece of top-quality chocolate and just let the taste buds savor it, well, it's almost orgasmic! Same with a good glass of wine, or a piece of fresh baked bread dripping in whole cream butter! Yep...taste would be very hard to give up.

    Snowbird: Without touch, you could not enjoy the physical pleasure of sex! Or the feel of a baby's soft skin! Or the warmth of a glowing fire on a cold wintry night! Or the coolness of a dip in the lake after a hot summer day! Touch would be hard for me to live without!

    Cog: That's true...taste and smell are very much connected. Either one would suffer without the other.

    Zanex: You've been signing since birth? Does that mean you or one of your parents are deaf?

  • zanex

    both parents were deaf...mom still is..dad not around anymore...(died) but he was deaf for as long as I can remember...

  • averyniceguy

    Journey-on, yes I am very observant of things around me, and I am thankful that I do not have to hear any annoying noises!

  • VoidEater

    Journey: Believe me, not an easy choice! Chocolate is also a passion of mine...but playing the game within the confines of the post, it's the one I have to give up. Music is too important, seeing is even more basic to my sense of my life and taking in the world...etc...so, sadly, it would be goodbye to chocolate - Jacques Torres would never forgive me!

  • journey-on


    Then you have no concept of music? Your sense of touch can pick up the beat and rhythm, I guess, but melody must be foreign to you.

    If you could have just one day of hearing, what experience would you ask for? Music....Birds chirping....children's laughter....City noises....Ocean waves.....any other?????

  • jaguarbass

    If you had to live life without one of your five senses, which one would you choose to give up.....sight, hearing, smell, touch, or taste? And why?

    Do you think your view of the world would be a different reality?

    I'm pretty sure smell and taste are connected you cant have one without the other. Thats why kids hold their noses when they take medicine, so they dont have to taste it.

    But if I had to choose, I would give up taste.

    Think about it, many people are on diets and take diet pills to accomplish what having no taste would do.

    If you couldnt taste food you would probably only eat to survive. You would eat to live and not live to eat.

    In fact I have met people who couldnt taste do to bad dental procedures, The dentist hitting their nerve and they seemed to pretty functional.

    To loose your hearing or site would be a major bummer.

    Would you rather be Stevie Wonder or Beethoven?

  • worldtraveller

    Taste. I would be eating more of a variety of things. Like the bug eater dude on Jon Stewart last night. Yum.

  • free2think

    Well im already partially sighted, im got tunnel vision and fragmented double vision, and my hearing is definitely hieghtened as a result, but apart from that i think the sense of smell i could live without. I think i'd definitely be a lot slimner.

  • Twitch

    Losing any of the senses would alter one's perception of the world, the inherent interactions and one's "reality" in a sense.

    Which one would I choose?

    Sight - hell no

    Hearing - no, i like music too much

    Feeling - that would suck and is pretty dangerous

    Taste - similar to feeling, not so good

    Smell - well, I could lose this one then

  • journey-on

    Some say we are beginning to evolve a sixth sense....heightened intuition and perception.

    Have any of you experienced this?


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