by badboy 17 Replies latest jw friends
El Kabong
Red. He had allergies.
edmond dantes
Must have been blue because he was God's blue eyed boy at the time.
Brown.... I cant cite this next statement, but it was on MSN's homepage a few weeks ago, a new study showing how most if not everyone had brown eyes up until about 4000 years ago when a genetic change happened to turn new borns eyes to blue, green and grey.
edmond dantes
I know he had a black ring around one eye which he got of his telescope, he was heard to say to Mrs N. Stop cleaning everything with that Brasso.
As he looked out across the waters he was heard to say " I see no ships only hardships."
I thought of that when I selected BROWN. Here you go:
What's with these random questions about a Bible character?
So King Arthur -- was he an innie or an outie??
Noah was a rastafarian and the i-man separated from the sodomites and the fornicators, big goons (Nephilim), and the harlots of the day who juiced down on the cashew wine. Noah was a rastafarian and the i-man built big boat for animals to float, in the i-sea before the i-God. Noah wore Peter Tosh bauxite shades before Prada and Parade. Noah's eyes were green.
edmond dantes
Now King Arthur was a knight in shining armour and had a little difference with Sir Lancelot who was later caught bonking Guinevere. Now Lancelot is not to be confused with William The Bonkera who invaded England in 1066.
Arthur was noted for his round table and his mighty weapon which he christened Excaliber; Arthur's buddy was Merlin who got up to all kind of tricks .Arthur got in a right pickle one day when his mighty weapon got stuck where it shouldn't but he managed with the help of Merlin to pull it out.All his knights cheered him as he ran about the fields waving it joyously in the air.
Hope that explains a lot.