The cry of "Peace and Security"

by Olin Moyles Ghost 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamsterbait

    Thessalonians does not even mention a "CRY".

    The Witchtower adds its own interpretation of the scripture made in the days of the cold war and their delusions of that time.

    The quotes and exclamation mark are added to the text, without any justification. Another example of their deceipt by stealth in the NWT.

    In fact the verse can just as easily be read as" When they are TALKING about peace and security." This is admitted in their brochure "Life in a Peaceful New World."

    Even the phrase " Peace and security" was chosen because the UN plaque uses this, and they thought the UN would "cry" this. Other translations say "All quiet all safe" Knox, "peace and safety" NIV.

    They turn it into an exclamation because they see this as a sign to the Dubs that the slaughter is about to begin.


  • NewYork44M

    I remember the hype witnesses placed on the 1986 UN Year of Peace. Wasn't there a special talk where they passed out a new version of the True Peace book?

    The society uses the cry of peace and security in any way they want. I have heard it explained as a Cry as Yippi we have peace. From the same platform I have heard it described as a cry saying why is their no peace as security.

    It is yet one more meaningless statement that witnesses use to say we are very very near the end..

  • LouBelle
    1986 U.N. "year of peace

    yup that was supposed to be the whole peace and security thing - the witnesses were very excited as "sudden distruction" was imminent.

    **yawn** still waiting for this sudden distruction.

  • dinah

    That brought memories of hearing "sudden destruction" in a loud booming voice from the podium at the DC.

  • blondie

    Actually this was put in print in 1986.

    *** w86 1/1 p. 24 Building for an Eternal Future ***

    Building for True Peace and Security


    Late in 1985, the United Nations proclaimed 1986 as the International Year of Peace. In recent times, the UN has been saying much about peace and security.

    *** w86 5/15 p. 27 Insight on the News ***


    A well-known inscription on the United Nations Plaza wall reads: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares. And their spears into pruning hooks: Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war any more." Hopeful of bearing fruit toward the fulfillment of those prophetic words, the United Nations has declared 1986 to be the "International Year of Peace." Is there reason to believe that the UN will succeed in its avowed goal as the self-proclaimed caretaker of "international peace and security?"

    Whatever contribution the UN may make toward the impending cry of "peace and security," any man-made peace surely rests on an explosive foundation. (1 Thessalonians 5:3) Military expenditures are now estimated to be approaching a trillion dollars annually worldwide. Since World War II, excluding conventional weapons, the cost of building nuclear arsenals has been estimated at three to four trillion dollars—hardly what would be expected at a time when the UN is calling for dedication to world peace and security! In fact, says Vernon Walters, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, "the United Nations has drifted away from its role as an institution for the resolution of conflict," dashing the hopes of those who believed that "the U.N. would do more than it has in the way of conflict resolution."

    Nevertheless, the inscribed words quoted earlier from Isaiah 2:4 will find fulfillment—but not in 1986, or ever, through the efforts of a man-made organization. Rather, real peace and security will soon be brought about by a heavenly government, whose invisible leader truly is the "Prince of Peace."—Isaiah 9:6, 7.



    The United Nations organization was formed to liberate mankind by replacing the scourge of war with "peace and security." On its 40th anniversary, the UN proclaimed 1986 to be the International Year of Peace. But has this amounted to a proclamation of liberty with sure guarantees of peace? Have the appalling expenditures on armaments (amounting now to more than $1,000 billion a year) been curtailed? Have terrorism and car bombings decreased? Have the religion-based slaughters in Northern Ireland, the Middle East, and Asia abated? Religious leaders are getting into politics and talking much about peace. But the dove of true peace appears to have flown far out of reach of the UN and the world’s religions.




    The present-day antitypical Cyrus the Great began to reign in 1914 at the end of "the appointed times of the nations," as foretold by Jesus himself at Luke 21:24. In total disregard of this world-important fact, the nations inside the United Nations settled upon the year 1986 as their International Year of Peace. But Jehovah’s Witnesses are by no means caught off guard in this connection. When the foretold proclamation of "peace and security" is finally made, they will not join political adherents and friendly associates of "Babylon the Great" in the feasting over such a phenomenal feat at this late date in the history of the worldly nations. They advocate no conspiracy with the United Nations or other peace media. (Isaiah 8:12) As a countermeasure, they say in the words of Isaiah 8:20: "To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn." (NewInternationalVersion) And giving the reason for their immovable position, they say: "For God is with us!" (Isaiah 8:10) Bluntly, that means that Jehovah God is taking no part in the political measures adopted by the nations in behalf of "peace and security" but, rather, is unequivocally against them.

  • ferret

    I have been out for 28 years and they were saying this in the 70's. I don't know how sudden destruction can wait all these years, How sudden is it?


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