Oh by the way they sorta did a movie about this. It had Chevy Chase, Demi Moore, Dan Akroyd, John Candy, it's really sick... I've got it on dvd somewhere I can't think what it's called though... damn... The town thats the inferno in it is called potsolvania or something... Demi Moore is SOOOO hot in it.
by wonderinwanda 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
BlackSwan of Memphis
Is this like that e-book pushing the end of America by divine judgment in 2008? I do believe we are in for a severe depression, possibly one that will make the one of 1933 look like the Roaring '30s. But it will not be divine judgment. It will be because this country is living beyond its means, creating more inefficiency, stifling entrepreneurs, and catering to the big drug companies, banks (like the Fed), and oil companies. Shortages will be met with more printed worthless money, starting major inflation, and creating more panic where it would have only been a bit of nuisance inflation that would have subsided once the shortage eased.
I predict this situation to become a full-blown depression with inflation. Ultimately, printing more money and lowering interest rates will make the dollar worthless. And that, not God's wrath, will be what ruins this country's economy. Also, the regulators are stopping scientists from finding the solutions to man's problems. Without the regulations, I think we could find solutions (too bad Ron Paul is so far behind in the presidential race).
I'll stick w my nukes, thankyou. Much less horse fluff in em, than in this piece.
S -
Nathan Natas
The site Wonderinwanda pointed to is essentially saying, "In the face of a possible natural disaster, you need MY invisible friend to help you. You need ME to speak for my invisible friend, because he won't speak to YOU."