and here is another caption.......caber tossing and superglue....why its not for christians
Big time watchtower art dept. jest
by cultswatter 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
edmond dantes
Maybe they are trying to convey that Jesus was nailed to a tree because I seemed to have herd that argument somewhere.
Funny how at Christmas time they like to talk about how Jesus is no longer an infant but is now a powerful king blah blah blah, but at memorial season they love to feature the death scene. Just another attempt at GUILTING people into going to the memorial. If I were Jesus I'd be offended at the attempt at manipulation via guilt.
No, if it was a tree, what did Jesus carry to Golgotha? That is why the Society cannot claim that Jesus was just nailed to a tree already in place.
aligot ripounsous
It seems to me that, to the christian, whether Jesus was nailed to a cross or to a stake should have no importance at all, the point being his sacrificial death. Now, the only reason I can see why the WTS puts so much emphasis on this stake is that they go by the advertising golden rule : whether people talk about you in good or in bad doesn't matter, just make sure they talk about you. Much of the JW religious practice stems from this frenzied search for singularization which leads JWs to enjoy the feeling of belonging to an exclusive group. Once one has understood that, the whole JW system becomes very unimpressive and one can see the very nature of their religious construction that is, charlatanism and manipulation from those at the top who hold the strings of the puppets.
So if he is being taken down then why is the guy holding him like that. As soon as those hands nails come loose Jesus will fall. Jesus is not made of styrofoam!!
why is someone waiting with a shroud?.....this is why (Matthew 27:57-59) 57 Now as it was late in the afternoon, there came a rich man of Ar?i?ma?the'a, named Joseph, who had also himself become a disciple of Jesus. 58 This man went up to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded it to be given over. 59 And Joseph took the body, wrapped it up in clean fine linen,
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Strange picture indeed. When I first got my copy, I assumed it was removing the dead body, but where is the blood?
Why would a soldier be under him like that? Wouldn't he be risking injury to himself and get covered with blood? I would have assumed that they would either chop down the pole, or just let the dead body fall? After all, it was a brutal execution, why sudden loving care?
If that's supposed to be Mary looking on, what mother could watch her son be ripped from the stake like that and dropped to the ground?
Why does that shroud look like a semi-transparent sheer fabric? Did they have nylon in Jesus' day?
You guys are a bunch of wackos. I can tell by your avatars. I say that with love in my heart.
The problem I see here is - shouldn't Jesus be NAKED? Didn't the solders take his outer AND his inner garment? Or did he have 3 layers of clothes?
John 19:23-24 says
Now when the soldiers had impaled Jesus, they took his outer garments and made four parts, for each soldier a part, and the inner garment. But the inner garment was without a seam, being woven from the top throughout its length. Therefore they said to one another: "Let us not tear it, but let us determine by lots over it whose it will be." This was that the scripture might be fulfilled: "They apportioned my outer garments among themselves, and upon my apparel they cast lots." And so the soldiers really did these things.