Ways to keep entertained when going to a meeting...

by cognac 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Lets see, this is what I got so far:

    Played games on cell phone

    Did my own personal research

    Take kids out back to "watch" them

    Anyone got anything else??? I can't take these meetings anymore...

  • quietlyleaving

    The meetings lend themselves very well to learning another language - they even produce literature to practice with.

  • nomoreguilt

    I always sat in a position where I could watch almost everyone. My perceptive powers have always been very keen. I could tell when people were not happy with their mates. I knew which elders were there because they had to be. I would watch the dub that wanted to be a servant, always POSTURING.

    This was my entertainment. I also KNEW when a certain individual was guilty of something. I could see it coming and i would tell my ex that I JUST KNEW something was amiss. And sure enough, there would be an anouncement with in the month. Most of the time it about immorality.

    I am very in to people and I know what makes them tick. I edmyself alot at the assmblies. My ex hated it.


  • cognac

    Hey those are some good ideas!

    NMG - What does "I edmyself alot at the assmblies" mean???

  • willdabeerman

    I used to have one of those 'attache' cases.I used to take issues of Juggs and other fine gentleman magazines and sneak them in. I put the case on my lap and opened it up in the 2'nd hall. Then I would waste the meeting away reading the articles.(cuz you know thats all i got those mags for, the fine writing styles.)

  • WTWizard

    It is very difficult for an adult to keep entertained without getting busted. If you have children, or can babysit, that makes it easier for the time being. You can provide papers, colored pens and pencils, calculators, games, and whatever it takes to keep them entertained. It might even be possible to take them out and let them explore the lobby while the meeting is going. Beware, they will likely start tailoring rules to put a stop to it.

    You could also pretend to be taking notes. Each time they misapply a scripture or take one out of context to support a point, you could make a note of it. You might need a 5-subject notebook for this one. You could also color code every time they make a rule or point that is blatantly unscriptural, and double the points if they take a scripture out of context to back it up. Again, it's just a matter of time before you will get busted if you continue doing it.

    Unfortunately, the structure is set up to make it impossible for anyone to do anything to make the boasting sessions a little more tolerable. They are cracking down on anything that might detract from it, and especially playing that little game of noting each time they take a scripture out of context or make a rule that blatantly contradicts the Bible. The meetings themselves are getting duller. It might be time to do a rational cost/benefit analysis about going to the meetings at all. If you can get your whole family out (the game of noting the blatant lies will expose it), so much the better. Otherwise, you might look into doing The Fade.

  • nomoreguilt

    cognac..............LOL......I got a litlle ahead of myself and didn't check my typing....entertained...was the mis hap.


  • cognac

    nmg -

    OHHHHH!!! I'm gonna have to try that! lol, then I can write notes to hubby and see what he thinks!!!

  • sass_my_frass

    I once took a Tom Clancy novel to a district convention. Sat with my flatmates family, reading it during the session. What are they going to do?

  • sass_my_frass

    Coloured notes: definitely. One training course I went on, I don't even remember what it was about; the only thing I took away from it was a new note-taking technique (I hadn't heard of 'mind mapping' before). I started taking notes at the meetings in coloured texter, and eventually a code formed. Red or black generally indicated an especially obtuse line of argument.

    Mum found my notebooks a few months ago and showed them to me as 'proof' of how convinced I used to be. I opened them up, they were almost all red and black. I couldn't tell her what that meant....

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