So, now this KH has a bar, a pole, and a Champagne Room! NY, Bee and I will be attending locally in our respective cities, but will be available for out of town performances. We will also be available after the meetings for the ones who sign up for the hospitality. There is also speak that we will be entering the circuit work. We will keep you posted.
Imagine a KH with a bar....
by lfcviking 26 Replies latest jw friends
Would you be available for Circuit Assemblies and District Conventions too?
We'll let you count the time!
Absolutely, but we will be requiring to be flown there 1st class, put up in posh hotels, and given a driver for our transportation; just like the GB members.
And I just checked out my stripper name. It is Jordan Dreamthong!
Bumble Bee
Absolutely, but we will be requiring to be flown there 1st class, put up in posh hotels, and given a driver for our transportation; just like the GB members.
I'm liking this idea more and more all the time!
Problem is, with all those thousands of singles being thrown at you, who's gonna pay for the cost of the assemblies?
Bumble Bee
Problem is, with all those thousands of singles being thrown at you, who's gonna pay for the cost of the assemblies?
Um what do you mean singles?????
Jordan Dreamthong!
For real! The only singles being thrown at me had better have a heartbeat and that ability to grow facial hair.
Aye if you liked your weed, you could have a week smoking room too! You could have a room full of different kinds of Hashish for you to choose and get totally smashed on.
Imagine being sat there passing bit fat long cones around the room and maybe even have a couple of bongs on the go aswell?