I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule, but so far, all of the atheists I have met have been very community oriented people of high moral value. They have a deep understanding of the nature of the environment and the human species and how we are inseparably interconnected. Most are highly educated doctors, nurses, scientiests, psychologists, teachers, etc. They volunteer and work to make the community and earth a better place. They do so, not because they get their values from a Creator or are in fear of divine repercussions if they don't. They do this because they understand that what is right for the human community as a whole, and what is right for the environment is right for themselves. It benefits everyone in society in the long term. They understand about personal responsibility. If we destroy the earth for greed and power, if we destroy other societies for greed and power, then we harm ourselves as a species and steal from our children's futures. They know we cannot claim "God told us to do it" and that makes it all OK. They know that God is not going to magically step in and solve all our problems for us that were caused by our own greed for power and wealth at the expense of other humans and the environment. So, they try to act in harmony with that knowledge. Their morality does not stem from self-righteousness but stems from true understanding and awareness of our nature and what is "right" (beneficial) to us, not just for instant gratification, but in the long term.