Might just have thought with thursday being a holiday that she couldn't participate in that school would be pointless that day (and in my memory, the day was focused one way or another around the holiday) and that monday is a legal holiday, that it might be a good time to have a long weekend. Our schools were out friday and monday. If I was a JW parent, I could see taking them out for thursday and just doing something fun (OK, not likely she is taking her anywhere fun)
Maybe they had a day off on frida. anyhow??
If she is taking child out too much, that is a issue to take up with school and your atty. It is illegal to keep kids out w/o cause in most states I know of. No one cares unless it is excessive, but if there is an unhealthy pattern, you should follow up.
JW Ex-Wife taking daughter out of school for holidays
by LowTech 14 Replies latest jw friends
Well you don't really say what YOUR take on it is or what the entire situation is. Do you celebrate? Do you want your daughter to celebrate? How OLD is your daughter? Does SHE want to celebrate? Do you have custody? Is it joint? Do you share her or does one of you just have visitation? We don't really have enough info here to make any kind of intelligent statement! Of course some on here would say that no matter HOW much info you give me I couldn't make an intelligent statement... To them I reply 'BLAH on your old head!!!'
Anyway give us some more info on the situation!
I think if you have joint custody you have a legal right to childs school records such as report cards (which show attendance). Also see if your school has what our school calls 'family access', you can check your childs progress daily if you want, see if there is missing assignments, grades, big projects coming due, even what will be studied next quarter sometimes. My brother was not aware that the school would send out report cards to him as well as his ex and did he surprise his kids when he got them the week report cards came out! Now he is up to date on what's going on in school and the kids feel like he cares enough to know what's going in their daily lives. He knows what plays are coming up and other school functions so he can ask if they are going out for such & such or science fair, etc... I'm sure the school has a website, google it. Check with an attorney or the free legal adivice every state has and just ask about if when there is joint custody and they disagree about pulling kids out for holidays who will the courts side with? I think the courts would say that the child must go and simply be pulled out for the holiday party part which only lasts a very short time during the entire day.
Sounds like the child is still in grade school? I bet mom pulled her from Valentines because now kids are required to give Valentines cards to all the kids not just a few select friends. Mom probably did not want the child to feel left out even though it was she who was requiring the child not to participate.
When JW parents do this routinely because of holidays, usually the teacher has their assignments ready to take home. Most teachers I know are happy to have the JW child gone so it doesn't disrupt the party by having to cater to one child's needs over the whole. Before going all legal consider asking your child their feelings on the matter (encourages critical and independent thinking). If at all possible respect those feelings. If you go to court the Judge will be asking the child anyway and usually rule based on their wishes.
I hated the parties! I was a true-blue growing up and when my father tried to 'force' me to celebrate I refused and pouted more then Veruca on Willy Wonka. I liked going to the library (I love books!) or going home. Every person is different, I would have liked my opinions asked and respected even way back then.
Personally, I'd be angry. Two days of school missed for one non religious holiday????? In my memory, yes there was a party time, but it was generally not just a throw away day. If she does this for all the holidays, it's not as though the children aren't standing out as different anyway. It's issues like this that give me a different point of view on holidays in public buildings.
As far as home schooling goes, the socialization is an extremely important aspect of childhood. IMHO.