I think I may have accidentily pitted the POs wife against her husband...

by cognac 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cognac

    Well, you know how the whole thing came out about only using the "society's literature" came out a few months ago? Well, a few days later I went up to the PO to basically tell on myself that I used Strongs Concordance and exactly which website I go to for a lot of my research. He said that was fine and that the society was just avoiding people spending hours on non WT literature just either wasting there time or trying to prove the society wrong...

    Ok, so fast forward to this past weekend, I was over his house with my husband for dinner. I brought up in conversation that I use this website just because they were talking about research. Right away, she said, "Does the society put that out?" I just said no, but the society uses Strong's frequently (that's what the website is for) and stated some brief reasons and examples of why I felt it was very beneficial... Anyways, she was just disgusted but her husband didn't take her side, he just nodded approvingly and didn't say to much...

    She happens to be a bit opinionated while her husband is not like that at all. I have the feeling she is going to have a long, discussion with her husband of why he should have or should say something to me...

  • hillbilly

    grab some popcorn and watch.......... human nature ala WTBTS is better than TV.

    Aint gettin' folks talkin' grand?


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good for you , if you present information in a tactful compassionate way you change peoples thinking and open up their mind as well as their hearts...

  • Gopher


    It seems that a lot of congregations have that "Jezebel influence" of elders' wives telling their husbands how to do things.

    I don't see how using a website that references Strong's Concordance is disobeying the WT Society, I think the PO's explanation was reasonable. But again, lots of JW's like to impose their own version of 'reasonable' on others.

  • seek2find

    Dear Cognac, You may know this already, but the E-Sword computer program, which is a free download comes with the King James bible keyed to the strongs concordance. All you have to do is hover the mouse over the strong s number and the definition pops up. It's a very useful tool. The address is www.e-sword.net seek2find

  • cognac
    It seems that a lot of congregations have that "Jezebel influence" of elders' wives telling their husbands how to do things.

    I really think she has or at least used to have a bit of an influence on him. I heard before he used to be really strict, but now he seems to be a very reasonable person... I wonder if he is trapped in his position and because of his wife can't fade or all hell will break loose...

    I mean, he has no problem stating if another elder is "just giving his opinion" and or sticking the worlds biggest hard-a** on me when I wanted to pioneer. (I wonder if he did that because he wanted to be discouraged from it... which almost worked...)

    And I noticed that he drinks a lot everytime I'm around him in a social setting and he doesn't seem to be the least bit buzzed... High tolerance??? Oh, and another time I was lit in front of him and he didn't say a word about it... lol...

  • cognac

    thanks Seek!!! I'm downloading it right now!!!

  • StAnn

    Watch out. Ray Franz got in trouble with the GB for using Bible commentaries when he wrote the Aid book, even though his Uncle Fred Franz pointed him toward them and they were available in the WT's own Bethel library. Logic means nothing to a zealot.

  • MMae

    This is probably fall out from the Sept 2007 KM, where the WTS states that is does not "endorse" ...just about anything....that is not connected to their literature. It wasn't an all out ban, but we all know that the FAITHFUL will treat is as though it is. Therefore, consulting anything outside of WTS literature is a sign of spiritual weakness, if not worse.

  • seek2find

    StAnn: Your comment reminded me of what Ray said that one of the other Governing body members said. And that was that using commentaries was like "sucking the tits of Babylon the great" seek2find


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