There is absolutely nothing wrong with a baby being born with no abnormalities because he was not starved of oxygen at birth.
There is nothing wrong with having an assisted labour, or a caesarean section! It is GOOD to not be starved of oxygen because your mother's labour is going wrong, or your cord is wrapped around your neck, or your head is stuck in the wrong position for birth and you're being slowly suffocated!
My last birth was an emergency caesarean section. The Health visitor / Midwife said she was sorry I didn't have the satisfaction of giving birth 'naturally'. I told her that I did not feel 'cheated' as she suggested. In fact, if I had given birth naturally I would have been dead in minutes of the birth and the baby, who was lying transversely and compressing her cord would also have been dead or potentially brain damaged.
Cesarean sections, help from doctors, deliverys that are speeded up with oxytocin are NOT bad but good. The babies are closely monitored, a doctor is closely involved and the chances of coming out of the experience with a healthy child are much higher. I never went into labour wanting someone to mop my brow and make a fuss of my 'wonderful natural pain'! I went in to have a healthy child as soon as possible and nothing else would do!
I also discussed with the same Health Visitor how the amount of brain damaged children had gone down as cesarean sections had risen!
Labour is not pretty! Even the best can be upsetting and traumatic and painful.....unless they are one of these high speed deliverys which I always craved but never had!
Therefore, what I'm saying is that the purpose of pregnancy and labour is to produce and happy and healthy baby! For a few moments attention too many children are born brain damaged with ruined lives for themselves and their familys!
Always, absolutely always fight for the best medical attention possible during labour.....that's the only advice I can give to anyone about to go into hospital to have a baby! Don't be afraid to fight for your partner and your baby. It takes only a few minutes of oxygen starvation to ruin a child's potential!
A doctor is more of a friend in labour than a midwife....a sad fact I discovered for myself! I nearly lost my second twin because an arrogant midwife thought she was doing me a favour by keeping five doctors standing outside the delivery room for hours and not until they raced in and were faced with an absolute emergency did they act like absolute heroes and save my baby and myself! Midwives should stick to what they know.....simple deliveries and leave the tough stuff to doctors.
Don't waste time being afraid, research, demand attention and don't take anything less!
I don't care if that sounds 'scare mongering' take it from someone who's been there, and got the T shirt to prove it!
For all you who are expecting.....find out all you can, don't fear anyone and question everything!
More than likely, the more assertive you are the more assistance you will get ...... and always threaten to sue the arse off anyone who is not helping if you feel that things are not going well!