AWWW, cute little JW
by 5thGeneration 16 Replies latest jw friends
Well, we gotta give the kid points for articulateness, manners and courage.
But I will say that I was a jaydub when little fashion statements like necklaces on boys would have gotten him a talking-to from the elders, maybe even a special needs talk. Good on him for wearing it!
He got his facts mixed up when he stated that the Romans wanted to seize Jesus and make Him king.
It was the common Jewish people who wanted that.
From The Message Bible:
John 6:14 -15 The people realized that God was at work among them in what Jesus had just done. They said, "This is the Prophet for sure, God's Prophet right here in Galilee!" Jesus saw that in their enthusiasm, they were about to grab him and make him king, so he slipped off and went back up the mountain to be by himself.
Otherwise, a well-written article.
His statements reminded me of what I would say when I was in High School...If only I could go back to those days and do things different!!!
He is still young, maybe there is hope for him one day!
Well, I'm sure his parents and local cong are very proud of him. But he's wearing a necklace, is that acceptable? That's a fad these days, maybe they are overlooking it in his case.
But he's wearing a necklace, is that acceptable? That's a fad these days
except for the hair he does look a little worldly.
So maybe people shouldn't elect anyone this time around and we will see if god gets off his butt and does something about it.
I had a sister complain to my P.O. daddy that I wore a gold chain... I had to take it off.
"Why do you not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do you not rather let yourselves be defrauded?" ( 1 Corinthians 6:7 )
Witness 007
He says he "has an idea who would make a good president" SO HE IS NOT NUETRAL!!! Jesus will be pissed!
Still, it hits me closer at home when teachers start urging those who are 18 years old or those soon to be 18 to get registered. And it certainly doesn't help when voting takes place at almost every school in the country.
Here again we have the bigger issue. Not only do they want to stick thier heads.............uh in the sand, but they want everyone else to as well!
I have to comment on the nicklace issue. First
How many guys here have had a "talkin to" for wearing one?