Shuning the shunner

by loosie 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • loosie

    My daughter goes to a school where one of the office personel is a JW. My hubby is df'd I haven't been to a meeting in 3 years. When we go into the office and have to talk to her she directs all of her responses to me even if my husband is the one that asked the question.

    Once my husband went in there with my daughter and this person didn't direct her answers to my husband who asked the question, but to my daughter who was just tagging along.

    This is stupid. My hubby wasn't discussing scriptural things with her just school things. She is letting her religion interefere with her job.

    This morning I had to meet with the teachers at school. She is the person that you let know that you are there for the teachers meeting. Before I got there this morning. I made a decision to not speak to her. to shun the shunner because her attitude pisses me off. (mama said if you can't anything nice not to say anything at all.)

    When I got into the office, I felt so rude not to talk to her. It's not my nature to be blantantly rude.

    Thankfully there was someone else at the desk that I notified I was here for the meeting.

    This all feels so childish.

  • cognac

    Hey Loosie -

    You should have your husband go alone. Then what would she do???

    I personally find myself pulling away from my family a bit more because I think they are on to my thinking and they bug me about crap all the time... "If the elders say go left, are you going to go right???" They are unreasonable...

  • fifi40


    It is her of immaturity, allowing herself to be manipulated and brainwashed and actually going beyond what is required of her by her religion........dont let it be yours by worrying about her behaviour.

    If you choose not to speak to her because you are not comfortable with the way in which your husband is being treated by her then dont question yourself or your motive, if you choose to speak with her remember your decision is based on your own thoughts and beliefs and is not influenced by a cult.

    Personally speaking I would probably choose not to speak with her, but I would probably state to her that I would rather deal with someone else as I found her attitude towards my husband unecessary and disrespectful.


  • sammielee24

    Go to the school - voice your concerns that one of the employee's may be incapable of communicating much needed information to your husband should they have to. Explain the religious aspect of it including the fact that a person who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses can discuss business with a disfellowshipped person. This is business. Let them talk to her and tell them you'd like to hear from them how the meeting went. Putting the request in a nicely worded letter would also acomplish the same thing and provide back up should you ever need it. sammieswife.

  • chickpea

    i soo hear you that it goes against most "undoctrinated" people's sense of what is right to purposely shun another person .....

    dont go against your nature.... stay above the fray because it is unlikely that this woman would even GET what your gesture would indicate.....

  • stealyourface
    Explain the religious aspect of it including the fact that a person who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses can discuss business with a disfellowshipped person.

    Better yet, register concern with the school that this person will not communicate with your husband, and leave the religious aspect out of it. I guarantee you the secretary look stupid when she has to explain to the principal just why she can't speak to your husband. Oh, that will provide a fine witness!!

  • Hiddenwindow

    Yes, write a letter to the school.


  • loosie

    The principle of the school has already been put on notice before school started. Hubby and I told him that we do not want her to give our child any grief on her participation in holiday activities.

  • flipper

    LOOSIE - I agree with others - there are better ways to make your point about this woman acting this way. Write a letter to her superiors and tell them the situation . Don't play her game of shunning because it makes you look as bad as her by doing the shunning. Rise above it - inform the people above her that can set her straight - then see if the situation improves. If it doesn't improve even then - next time I would go in with your husband , have him ask her another question , then see if she answers to your husband then. If she does not - call her on her ignorant behavior in front of other employeees - I guarantee you she will change her attitude quickly - because witnesses are concerned about outward appearances ! Then casually mention in front of the other employees- I didn't think Jehovah's Witnesses acted like this, Oh! my ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Quandry

    Better yet, register concern with the school that this person will not communicate with your husband, and leave the religious aspect out of it. I guarantee you the secretary look stupid when she has to explain to the principal just why she can't speak to your husband. Oh, that will provide a fine witness!!

    Yes!!! I work in an elementary school.

    I cannot imagine a parent feeling that they will be shunned if they have a concern for their child. By all means, I would take this up immediately with the principal. NO ONE ELSE. I would let her know how my husband was treated. I would let her know how embarrasing it was for him, and how perhaps he feels that he is not welcome at the school. I would tell him or her that you are considering going to the school board. NO principal wants to deal with a school superintendent, believe me.

    I can pretty much guarantee that this woman will be in big trouble and told in no uncertain terms that she is not to treat parents in this fashion.

    What nerve she has.

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