How many of you have managed to get your JW friends and family to see that it's not "the truth"?
What's your success rate?
by Mrs Smith 14 Replies latest jw friends
Nada. As a matter of fact that has done nothing but drive us further apart. I do not have ANY relationship with my family at all. The O-N-L-Y reason that my parents talk to me is because of my kids. My two sisters and my brother are "dead" to me (their words). we are convinced that my brother is gay anyway, but you know how that goes in the JW'S. Oh well what can you do?
The Last Nephilim
My JW partner at work and I have "discussed" a few things- me showing him the stupidity of some JW doctrines and him trying to defend the bORG. I think he sees it but all of his family and friends are JWs and he's comfortable being in the bORG for now, so it doesn't go very far. I believe it's making him think, though.
For now I'm concentrating on my kids- VERY CAREFULLY!! In fact, yesterday we were watching an old documentary on WW2, and in it they said that Hitler, Mussolini, and (the guy ruling Japan at the time) all told their people NOT to think for themselves but to just trust them without question. Sound familiar? The people did, and look what happened! I also told my daughter that she does NOT have to answer at the meetings (her mother tries to force her, guilt her, or bribe her to) and that she's not going to be destroyed by God if she doesn't. I also told my son that the elders are just regular men like me and that they only look more "spiritual" because they get to go up and give talks. I told him that you can't measure a person's "spirituality" by their hours in filed service or meeting attendance. It's a personal and private thing between you and God. I think it made him think without prematurely setting off any internal "alarms" he's had placed in him. So far, so good... -
Mrs Smith
It must be really tough if your kids are been raised as JWs my heart goes out to you.
A JW school friend of mine recently find me on Facebook and the ussual JW talk started from her side. I told her I haven't been for almost 10 years and she has been asking a lot of questions. I think she has doubts already as she has been df in the past so she is been very open minded. I'm careful not to give her too much info as I know it can be overwhelming. Maybe one day she'll be a poster on JWD!
Shortly after I left, two family members and a good friend followed suit. I can't claim any credit, as I didn't try to persuade them one way or another. I think they left because they had their own doubts, and my leaving first gave them the courage to do the same. -
My mother and myself saw ""the light"" together and left at the same time. It's taken 2.5 years to get my one aunt to read Crisis of Conscience - she's starting to get it slowly I think... time will tell.
My one and only relative in WTS was my sister. We pretty much discovered the TRUTH about the "truth" together, and helped one another through the trauma of exiting.
In the last couple of months an old JW friend and I have been reaquainted. I was df'd 12 years ago. He became inactive 10 years ago. He still believes, but openly (and passionately) says that some of what is taught is not right. He is visiting our home once a week for a meal and a movie. And of course, we always get to talking about spiritual matters. I see his resistance coming down slowly.
I greatly apprecicate being about to read all of your experiences as you slowly try to open the eyes of your loved ones. It is a very delicate matter.
Nobody as of yet...
I'm working on my husband, the old PO from another hall and that's about it for now... I bring things up in hints when I can in a tactful way with people in general or in my comments, but nothing yet...
Except for my wife & three boys, Zilch. The rest can go to gehenna ™ . I don't give a rats ass if they ever leave.
I'm DF'd so I have no JW friends any more, and my family won't talk to me about "spiritual matters".
The only chance is if they'd approach me about it, and that hasn't happened since I was shown the door in 2000.