........ because I haven't
Have You Ever Heard of an Atheist Being Visited by a Demon?
by hamilcarr 23 Replies latest jw friends
No, not a demon as such but there are examples of atheist/skeptic types experiencing unusual ESP activities. I phrase this as I do
because Witnesses commonly think that all psychic phenomena is somehow "demonic". Mark Twain was a ferocious critic of the Bible
and skeptic - but experimented with telepathy. Wolfgang Pauli was very skeptical and acerbic but developed a widespread reputation
in regard to psychokinesis.
There are lots of phychic phenomena that can be scientifically explained. Usually, it has to do with the right brain. That is where data is often organized, and people often have flashes of knowledge from that source. This frequently explains why you will suddenly have the insight on how to solve a puzzle you have been working on futilely for some time.
Other psychic phenomena are the result of piecing together the data. The best way to predict the future is to piece together the past history and present trend--and this usually leads to a pretty good prediction. There are also rules about astrology--Saturn's 28 year period coincides with human's 7 year cycle. That is why astrologers often get their predictions somewhere near right. Some people are better at integrating all the pieces, which gives them better predictions.
Other Satanic phenomena also have scientific explanations. Often, you will hear noises when it is very hot, very cold, very windy, or the temperature and/or humidity is changing rapidly. This is from thermal expansion and moisture loss/gain, and can sound spooky to anyone that doesn't know the secret. Thermal expansion can be taken for demons if a lid is placed on a Tupperware pitcher and the contents are removed from the refrigerator. As the air warms up (and the liquid warms, causing its vapor pressure to add more to the total pressure), the lid will bulge out. Eventually it may pop off, and that is what scares a lot of witlesses into thinking it is possessed. Actually, this is a good sign since it means the pitcher has an excellent seal.
Hallucinations form the other major "demon" experience. Some have schizophrenia. Others will hallucinate from lack of sleep, or because they are just getting to sleep and get woke up at the time they are starting to dream. Drugs can also cause hallucinations, street or prescription. Certain other medical conditions can cause flashes of light to appear, or audio hallucinations. Some are harmless nuisances, while others can be more serious.
As for me, I have yet to be attacked by a demon. And I do not ever expect to have one attack me. This is despite having some satanic music in my computer and hard copy CDs of devil rock and rap in my collection, a Ouija board, and apostate web sites in my bookmarks. As for being attacked by Jehovah, I think the stagnation in my life is a blatant sign of that.
The only demon I ever had enter me, was when I got some 'demon fire' wings when i was living in buffalo.
It's shocking, but the moment you stop believing in demons, they just disappear!!
S4 -
Seeker, I agree with you, I remember very clearly the day i stopped believing in demons.
haven't seen a sign of one sense.
The Lone Ranger
it depends what you call "demons", I've experienced JW's that call every strange noise a "demon", even the crackle of a dirty radio volume control knob a JW once claimed this was caused by "demons", some JW's can really be paranoid. But I've known other none JW's who may have being atheist that have seen visions, people who weren't there, but they were sure that they saw them..., but it makes no difference to them, it don't make them believe in God or the demons, they just excuse it as "a funny thing happenend to me,"
I spent the day in the hospital with a youth who hung himself on the wall. We cut him down and took him for treatment. He was an atheist. To certain eyes he was demon possessed, to other eyes he was schitzophrenic. The things he was interested in seemed demon inspired. He was into death metal music, slasher films. He said he hung himself because the voices were telling him to kill people and he choose to kill himself.
The doctors had to fill him with thorozene. Then he did the thorazine shuffle. The demon or schitzophrenia didnt like the thorazine, either did he. It made him a zombie.
Durning the course of the day, I tried to give him some positive advise on how to think about things and what kind of music not to listen to and what kind of movies not to watch.
He said the advice I gave him was the best he ever got. He said all the doctors do is shoot him full of medicine.
Back in the bible days I would venture the schitzophrenics were of the demon possessed class.
Probably the only proof they are not demon possessed is the observer not believing in demons.
I've also seen adult inmates in jail start howling when there is a full moon. They Howl like a wolf or German sheppard and they are out of control.
I agree with metatron. JW's call it demons, to make it seem evil. It very well can be something that we just understand yet.
Satan doesn't bother those who don't believe in him... unlike God.