Disappointment and regulated marriages in the New World?--by request! Request from researcher: This goes back a ways Atlantis, so please bear with me. Back in the 50s I remember an upset in our congregation about one of the articles. Let me explain: We got the understanding that people would have the privilege to marry in the new world, but they could only marry the person that Jesus "chose" for them. Marriage would be regulated by Jesus. The article I am looking for said, that in the new world virgins would be given in marriage by the choosing of Jesus Christ. So, if a virgin man or virgin woman wanted to marry someone of their choosing, and Jesus Christ thought differently, then these people would [be forced] to marry the person that Jesus chose for them, because they could make the wrong choice and suffer disappointment. Also, many were stumbled by this article, because we were led to believe that "disappointment" was not to exist in the new world. That the "former things" had passed away. We also were confused by this article because, if Jesus was going to be handling these matters for the people in the new world, then what use would there be for the 144,000 being his helpers in heaven? If a person wanted to marry someone else, other than the person Jesus chose for them, then they would be going against Jesus and could be destroyed. Would you happen to have that article? If so, could you scan it for me? Thanks! ************************************************************* My comments: Thank you for your request! I will let you arrive at your own conclusions. The article I believe you are looking for is the October 1st, Watchtower of 1956, p.604, par.20, which states: 20 After Armageddon the couples surviving will continue in their marital union.Others surviving in a different state, widowers, widows, virgin men and virgin women, will be privileged to marry. Whether there will be an imbalance between the available men and the available women surviving need not worry us now. Marriage then will be regulated by the Everlasting Father whom Jehovah God uses to fight the battle of Armageddon and to bruise the great Serpent, the wicked marriage disturber, in the head. So the Everlasting Father Jesus Christ will have redeemed his earthly children through Armageddon just as much as Jehovah redeemed Noah and his family through the Flood and as Jehovah redeemed the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea. As all those redeemed ones belonged to Jehovah God, so all the Armageddon survivors will belong to their Redeemer Jesus Christ. As Everlasting Father to his earthly daughtershe will give in marriage whomsoever of them he pleases and to whomsoever he chooses.That way there will be no poor selection of mates, and no one will experience a disappointment after marriage.
Disappointment and Regulated marriages in the New Word!--by request!
by Atlantis 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Your welcome!
That's the perfect way to ensure a paradise earthâ„¢ would never become overpopulated.
I wonder if, since Jesus is supposed to be in total submission to Jehovah Baghead, and Baghead refuses to allow me the opposite sex ever be attracted to me, that would mean that I would be damned to everlasting celibacy and be stuck in that Value Destroyer Training School (???) program and pioneering forever. I would rather be destroyed than live like that.
the Everlasting Father Jesus Christ
I have never heard of this title for JC before.... does anyone else remember this title?
Also, interesting how the paragraph about JC arrangin marriages has not a single scripture cited (?) Talk about eisegesis !
Man, what a load of crap!
I suppose after that article was written,
what does it mean by .......''they may intermarry regardless of previous race or colour'' ??
Meeting Junkie No More
Thanks for this. I would never have believed anyone was capable of producing such absolute shite, but to think that "God's mouthpiece" dispensed this 'at the proper time' proves to me once and for all that this organization is truly flying by the seat of their asses. No wonder all the articles are anonymous. Who would want to take credit for this rubbish?
These 'gems' need to be reproduced en masse and submitted for re-study, preferably this Sunday, so that present-day witnesses can bask in the glory of the new light and see just what tripe they've been saved from as the light continues to get 'brighter and brighter'.
Keep this CRAP coming. The more it sees the light of day, the more the Tower has to be ashamed of and the less they can pretend it all never existed.
Meeting Junkie No More
Ok, just noticed another MISAPPLICATION of scripture (BLATANT)
Paragraph 22 talks about: "the proper places of husbsand and wife in the marriage union will therefore be observed and mutual obligations will be fulfilled" (meaning what exactly?) "Besides God's spirit, their approaching closer and closer to human perfection will make this easier and more enjoyable to do."!!!! Talking about the mutual obligations??? Interesting! OK, so the scripture quoted to sum up all this castle building in the air is Luke 23:43 - "Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise."
This has to be one of the weirdest articles I've ever had the occasion to read...