Body Numbness

by Chameleon 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chameleon

    Any doctors/nurses here?

    Last Wednesday, I went to bed at 1:30 am, woke up at 4:30 am due to food poisoning, and I couldn't go back to sleep. I went to work, and when I got back, I went to bed at 6 or 7 pm. I didn't wake up until the following morning, on Thursday.

    My body felt slightly numb, but I thought I slept wrong. Food poisoning went away, but it's Tuesday morning and my body still feels slightly numb. Also, somewhere between Last Wednesday and today, my sense of smell weakened.

    Do you guys have any idea of what this could be?

    It's very annoying.

  • BurnTheShips

    Did you eat shellfish? Specifically, Lobster?


  • Chameleon

    No, I don't like seafood.

    I remember eating a chili burger for lunch on Monday, and then another burger for dinner. I have no idea what I ate on Tuesday or Wednesday.

  • BurnTheShips

    Something similar happened to me 2 years ago. I was numb from the navel down, I was frightened and thought it was a nervous system infection. Doctor checked me out, I suspect I hurt my back shoving my 16' center console boat off the beach. Have you strained your back?

  • AlphaOmega

    I believe that Botulism can do this and in some cases be very serious.

    My reasons for suspecting this is that Botox is derived from Botulism - the Botulinium Toxin which has a paralysing effect on muscles. A direct shot of botox into a muscle will effectively paralyse it for months but does wear off.

    Not to mention that Botulism fits with the food poisoning.

    Any idea what type of food poisoning you had ?

    Edited to add link :

  • momzcrazy

    There has been a beef recall in the US, check that out to be sure.


  • seek2find

    There are many things that can cause symptoms like this. But for a lot of people that Have Multiple Sclerosis it starts out with unexplained numbness. Usually get misdiagnosed many times for years before the truth is known. I hope its not the case with you. But it is a possibility. Usually the numbness in MS last for more then a few days, but usually disappears. Sometimes for a long time then re-appears stronger the next time. This is know as relapsing-remitting MS. seek2find

  • JeffT

    Go to a doctor. It could be something benign: you slept on a nerve, residual effects of bad food. Or it could be REALLY serious: MS, a stroke, heart condition. You need to see somebody that actually knows what he/she is talking about.

  • Hortensia

    I second that - go to the doctor. And don't do the diagnosis for the doctor - just tell the doctor the symptoms and ask for some tests. Could be food poisoning, could be other things, but definitely numbness that doesn't go away should be checked by the doctor.

  • Chameleon

    what does multiple sclerosis do? edit: what type of food poisoning, someone asked? I didn't know there were different types. I don't feel tired, I don't have headaches, or anything like that. I just feel like my sense of touch is "off" and that's it.

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