I went to a Spanish congregation and there were different Hispanic nationalities and one in particular used to snub, criticize and make fun of the other one. Very unchristian and so the opposite of what they preached.
Did anyone experienced racism in their old congo?
by confusa 19 Replies latest jw friends
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I did in around three different ones. My family was part of the Spanish congs for a long time. But no real decisions could be made without an anglo overlord making it. Then in the English, my brother and I were put to make taco meat for the circuit assembly. Mexicans make tacos the muthuh-Fu**er said.....We walked......
It was weird, in my congregation there was voluntary segregation. There was the Black congregation and the white one, and everyone thought you were weird if you went to the wrong one. Of course down here in Louisiana there still is blatant racism, we still live in a different era here. Sickening.
When I was growning up the congregation was half black, half white. Generally everyone got along. But the black PO wouldn't let his kids play with us white kids. He would arrange "black only" parties. He was a friend of George Benson and would sing with him. His son played guitar, and I played piano. I liked jazz, and always wanted to jam with his son, but he wasn't allowed because I was white. I hate that bastard. He's still an elder, but moved to an inner city congregation to be with "his people".
In Australia, aboriginal JWs generally go to separate congregations. Even though they speak English. It's organized by the WTS.
I was born and raised in the South of VA, so yes. There was racism EVERYWHERE, even in the 'unbiased' witness world. I even remember the elders coming over to my parents house for some meeting (read beer drinking session) and them telling racist jokes. Even my dad, who at the time was the secretary, who is NOT racist joined them.
After the congregation I attended was integrated - mid 70's - a White sister who professed to be anointed, quit attending.
Everyone was hush-hush about it, but we all knew it was because she couldn't stand the idea of associating with Black people.
There was one Black elder who openly made known his dislike of Whites, even those in the congregation.
These were the people who were going to heaven as co-rulers with the Christ or survive into the New World and make all earth a paradise. What a farce!
There were many Portuguese congregations here, and many of the attendees were second and third generation JWs who were born in Canada, so there was no language barrier. The society decided to close down some of these congregations in an effort to get the Portuguese JWs to start going to English speaking congregations. For many it was no problem, but many others were offended and decided to move to Portugal rather than go to an English congregation.
I don't remember any blatant racism.
The earliest congregation I can remember was pretty much a mixed black and white congregation in Memphis, although it is probably more black now given the way the neighborhood has changed.
But when I was 9, the family moved out of Memphis to a rural town, with only one congregation in the whole county. There were two white families in the congregation when we came there and one family included the lone white elder. Everyone else was black. The two white families eventually moved away and I can only guess whether there was some racism from either side in the congregation. On the other hand, the county was majority white (although you wouldn't know it if you went to the single public high school which was 80% black; there are two high school level private schools in the county and many white students probably hopped to other jurisdictions at high school), and I heard they may have received some heat from people outside the congregation about attending a majority black church (the Kingdom Hall), so I don't think it could be blamed entirely on internal conflict.
I've heard more then one elder make racial slurs.
One in particular comes to mind, a PO in texas I knew, frequently used the N word and was constantly making comments about dirty,lazy,etc mexicans.
My jaw would drop to the floor every time, but others did not even seem to notice.