Long Time Lurker....Posting 1st time..Thank you....

by 1144 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    Welcome, good to hear your story.

    My aunty was caught gambling after her baptism. She claimed she did not know it was wrong, so they annulled her baptism and let her get baptised again. They have no idea what they are doing, because none of this sort of regulation appears in the bible, in fact the word disfellowship does not even appear in the Bible.

  • sweetface2233

    JWfacts, how long ago was your aunt's 1st baptism annuled?

  • jwfacts

    That was in the 1070's. I know of two other more recent cases as well, from the 90's. One lady was certified insane and continued fornicating after baptism, so they annulled it and let her leave.

    If things have changed recently I imagine it is for legal reasons. I wrote to Bethel 2 years ago to have my baptism annulled, on the basis of being a minor, hence making it illegal to force me into a life long binding legal contract. Rather than address my point, they said that it could not be annulled due to entering other contracts when no longer a minor, such as by becoming a pioneer.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Hi and welcome, glad you're here. And, hey now, be patient with the spateful indiscreet knave, you know, the fds don't ya know. They're just making up the rules as they go along and calling it new light. . .as someone wise once said here, 'The 'New Lights' are on but nobody's home.' LOL

    We were all stoned the entire time we were witlesses. Had to have been.

  • dogisgod

    Welcome!!! Must have been a fun baptism.

  • ibme


  • rekless
    But was told by an Elder i was studing w/thats ok..Cuz holy spirit would come over me
    and all those inclination would aside...

    That's weird, because when I got baptized in "72" I was told not to expect any special feelings or anything special...you will get wet, get dried off, and be a brother. That, was that.


  • 5thGeneration


  • 1144

    Thank you ..all so much for the welcome...and oh yea being dunked killed my buzz.......bummer

    much love


  • BFD

    Welcome, again 1144.

    I could see how getting dunked could be a real buzz kill. lol


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