Science is like the WTBTS...(always coming out with New Light)

by journey-on 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on
    journey-on are you making this difficult?

    The only way you could point to examples of "scientific cheaters" is if other scientists used science to prove they were cheating! Your own examples are contradicting your original hypothesis and comparison of science and WTS "new light."

    My original hypothesis was fairly simple: What was once accepted as scientific fact is thrown out the window at a later date when a new science emerges to wipe out the old. New light replaces old light. Simpleexample: Old light - Research has shown that eggs are full of bad cholesterol and eating too many of them can lead to heart attack or stroke. New light: According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks.


    What does all this have to do with old/new light when it comes to spirituality? If our technology coincides with our evolution as a species, both physical and spiritual, then it is quite possible the old ways of looking at our spiritual beliefs require a new theogeny, a new search light.

    The analogy to the methods employed by the WTBTS may admittedly be a bit off.

  • stillajwexelder

    all reputable scientists when publishing their work - give substantial and full references and enough information so that independent scientists can peer review their work - religion has not the balls to do that

  • stillajwexelder

    With the WTBTS though they go back and forth a few times -science tends not to - it tends to move forward

  • freetosee

    Insightful and balanced replies by...

    Gopher, sir82, LtCdm.Lore, Awakened07, VM44, Drew Sagan, Leolaia, TD, DT, OTWO, Seeker4, and freetolose. Thank you.

    LOL! ...freetolose?...lose what? Ok, I do lose it somtimes... but I find it again. Anyway, I always enjoy reading your postings Oracle. freetosee

  • stillajwexelder

    IMHO has said it all with the simple one liner. Time is Religions greatest enemy. Time is Science's greatest friend

  • BurnTheShips
    Interesting references, BTS, but in both cases, it was the Bush administration, with its political agenda, that was trying to keep government scientists from reporting what the evidence was pointing to - worldwide global climate changes caused, at least in part, by some human activities. This was not the scientific orthodoxy trying to squelch "new light" about global climate change from fellow scientists, which was the original contention of this thread by journey on.

    Thanks for the link to Rep. Peter Welch from Vermont. I know him, and know about these incidents.
    All true, but Bush was leaning hard through which kinds of institutions?

    Let me add that this that you wrote is completely analogous to the political powers of centuries past trying to keep a particular branch of this or that religion from teaching a variation for a political end. The Arian/Trinitarian controversy, Eastern/Western schisms, iconoclasm in Byzantium, Sunni/Shia splits, etc. In the past the rulers controlled the priesthoods because these were important to the power of the state. Here with Bush there is a clear example of the same kind of maneuvering with respect to science. Its like excommunication.


  • TD

    ..Trying to understand here...

    Who is the "We" in your original statement?

    Why is it we can accept New Light as an excuse when it comes to science, but cannot accept it when it comes to matters of theology?

    "New light"is not a problem for all religions --No more so than it is a problem for science.

    It all depends on how hard it is to admit past error.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    Sorry freetosee! Not sure what happened there. Perhaps a freudian slip of sorts. I'll have to think about the hidden meaning behind my slip up.

    I enjoy your posts too, and once again - sorry for the name screw-up! But it's hard to remember all these unique names!


    The Oracle

  • journey-on

    Insightful and balanced replies by...

    Gopher, sir82, LtCdm.Lore, Awakened07, VM44, Drew Sagan, Leolaia, TD, DT, OTWO, Seeker4, and freetolose.

    LOL at The Oracle. Talk about JWesque! I'll bet a dollar to a donut you are or were the Theocratic Ministry School Overseer.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The human imagination can believed just about anything if it wills itself so, as others have stated inner fear is a protagonist to beliefs when it is placed in the sub-conscience

    mind and the marketers of the WTS have known that for decades. There two parts to organized religion one are the people who seek answers and direction for themselves and the other

    part are the people that are willing to offer that direction, the bible is just that medium that can accomplish that very effort.

    History has shown us that the belief in gods or a god were mainly structured and developed on the basis of human ignorance or the lack of knowledge of the world we live in.

    In a counter balance to that known ignorance, scientific discovery and established facts derived from those discoveries has swayed modern man to stop thinking that there are

    invisible but powerful spirits swarming around causing climactic damage to humans and inciting fear to the detriment to the population. It does seem to me and probably many

    others thats it's better for man to live in a world of continuing knowledge and to work with this knowledge with the intent to better the human experience. It also seems in an

    unfortunate way that religious men like the JWS. have utilized and exploited that ancient ignorance and fear to cultivate their own source of power and control, negating the advancement

    of man to better his existence along with it. So the question we have to ask are selfs would it be better to let the gods or the men that say they are gods governed and control us or are we

    better off to do it are selfs ?

    My vote is on the humans !

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