So my 15 year old girl at quite, “The Age", is riding in the car with me as we are driving back from the dentist. We have a little 4 year old passenger and as we drive we notice someone has stolen a street camera from above the stoplight system. Three city workers in bright jackets are standing and staring at it perplexed and it is a rather amusing site.
I comment how someone must be pretty dumb it they think stealing the camera is going to take away the tape of what happened. My daughter comments that maybe the person is so mad and filled with hate that it just made them feel better to bust off the camera. Then she goes on a tale about how she was just thinking about how if you had enough hate filled people...that you would not have to do anything the government said. That if enough people rose up against a subject, that surely there is more of us...than them. Well in fact why in the heck do we listen to the wacked out things the government puts in place that we know are wrong anyways? There are always groups of people that hate what is going on more than them...
Then she stops. All of the sudden, A. D. D. and as I pull into the drive...she turns to the 4 year old as innocent as him and says, "Come on XXXX, lets go watch Noggin!"
From hate to Love...?
Or from huge idea to something shiny passed by?