Assuming money and time were no object and I could instantly learn any language, I would like to take a trip to Australia and find some taipan snakes to import into Brooklyn Beth Hell. I would find the quarters that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger live in, and let the snakes loose in their rooms. As I see it, they would suffer no worse than all the children that get molested because of those cockroaches, and that die from the blood issue and the accidents incurred while out in field circus. Maybe other children would have their lives saved by those snakes.
I would also like to make a stop at Bronners Christmas Wonderland. While there, I would make a day out of it, and pick up plenty of Christmas decorations. I would like to take a huge Christmas tree for the Kingdumb Hell and an inflatable Santa for the front lawn, a sleigh with reindeer for the roof, and some lighting and candy canes to line the walkway. And plenty of ornaments for the inside.
I would also like to visit the Far North of Canada. Hopefully, I could import a blizzard that would force them to cancel the Crapmorial for snow. I would also find it nice to hike through the woods in the mountainous terrain of the Canadian Rockies.
And I would like to visit the likes of China, India, and the other places where the witlesses have yet to make a dent. The purpose would be to get the leaders of those states to see the witlesses as a scam and not a religion. And, I would like to set up the Internet through all of Africa so they could get online and see the Watchtower Society as fraud while also picking up other value. That way, I could create value to offset what I would consume, slow down the Watchtower Society's progress, and make the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger get their trip to Hell faster.