Human Origins. The Way We Are

by BurnTheShips 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    Good for you. It's just you and Gooch though, I'm afraid. Care to share why you disagree with the majority on this one?

    Let me add that human males have a strong propensity to have sex with members of another race/ethnicity even if they think the other race to be inferior. Heck, they will even screw four legged things. Hybridization, with a range overlap of thousands of years, is not far fetched at all.


  • lonelysheep

    The writer is attempting to answer questions that have not been positively answered. There remains a mystery about the Neandertals, yet he's drawing his own conclusions and stating them as fact.

  • BurnTheShips
    The writer is attempting to answer questions that have not been positively answered. There remains a mystery about the Neandertals, yet he's drawing his own conclusions and stating them as fact.

    Well, true, but that is how hypothesis get formed. Have some imagination!

    Honestly, sometimes it feels I am conversing with robots when I chat with some of the ultra-rational atheists on this board. Sheesh.


  • lonelysheep

    OMG Burn! Please.

  • 5go
    I tend to subscribe to the multi-regional hypothesis for human origins, and I find this article intriguing. Could Cro-Mags and Neanders respectively, be Adam and Eve? Cain and Abel? Thought provoking to say the least. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.

    One could draw a conclusion that someone is trying hard to bring a known and busted beyond belief myth into the realm of reality via alleging it is an allegory for what really happened in history. So as to validate his beliefs in a book full of total BS myths and failed prophecies. Rather than going with the validated conclusion that the myth originated from another well known and older Babylonian myth. That is similar but different in lot of ways.

  • funkyderek


    Neanderthal remains have been found from Iraq to SW Europe. That is quite widespread.

    Not compared with the range of H. sapiens at the time which included all of Africa, Asia and Australia (and possibly the Americas).

    Hybridization\interchange may be one of the factors that led to the technological explosion c 40k ago.

    Could be, but again the genetic evidence doesn't support that. If humans and Neanderthals did interbreed, the Neanderthal genes seem to have disappeared.

    The Lagar Velho remains appear hybrid:

    And perhaps it was a hybrid. I've no doubt humans and Neanderthals occasionally mated, and it's possible that they produced viable offspring. They just don't seem to have left any permanent trace, Gooch's fanciful musings notwithstanding.

  • BurnTheShips
    They just don't seem to have left any permanent trace, Gooch's fanciful musings notwithstanding.

    There is evidence emerging. There is some support that Neanderthal alleles controlling brain size may have introgressed into the overall human gene pool.

    I find it interesting that the most ancient cave art seems to be in the region where Neanderthals persisted longest in contact with other humans-southwestern Europe.

    There is a Neanderthal Genome project in progress since last year, we'll know more once it is completed.


  • dawg

    Holy crap, bald headed men, bigger first toed verses second toes... are you freaking kidding me? There's no way in everloving hell research has been done on a scale that could compare these things where there's conclusive evidence to make such silly statements... This article is absurd especially given the fact that mtDNA evidence has shown that we aren't related to Neanderthals. They were an evolutionary dead end. Come on man!

  • dawg
  • dawg

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