What kind of job assignment did your brother have at Bethel? Did he gain some skills from it. If he ends up sounding bitter, suggest he write a sizzling expose'. I bet plenty of JW's would buy it. He needs a good editor so it will be an easy read. And he just needs it printed. All of us former JW's know how to publish books.
My brother being kicked out of Bethel
by observador 19 Replies latest social current
Open mind
For any lurkers who might think OTWO is blowing the whole "family" term out of proportion, consider this.
Why is it that Bethel homes are able to create & enforce incredibly restrictive Talmud-like "house rules"? No shorts in public while in the vicinity of Bethel is just one example. Even if you're on a vacation day. How do they explain to the Bethel new boys (and girls) that they can stick their Home Overseer / Housekeeper noses right into your sock drawer?
Because they are a "family".
That is the official explanation. And families can have all kinds of house rules that certainly don't apply to the whole congregation. OK, fine. Bethel is a family. Until it's time for downsizing. Then you're just a worn out cog ready for the trash.
Another rant & then I'm done. JW's are told from day one that their "real family" are their spiritual brothers & sisters. They may have to give up flesh & blood family, but they receive hundreds of times over a "new family" of spiritual brothers & sisters who REALLY CARE for them. Uh huh. YMMV.
Another rant & then I'm done. JW's are told from day one that their "real family" are their spiritual brothers & sisters. They may have to give up flesh & blood family, but they receive hundreds of times over a "new family" of spiritual brothers & sisters who REALLY CARE for them. Uh huh. YMMV.
But, and it's a big BUT, they neglect to tell you that your spiritual brothers and sisters won't really treat each other like brothers and sisters until they leave and become former JW's, like most of us, here on this and other forums. While you're in, that brother/sisterhood is very, very conditional. When you're out, it's real.
Like the book Velveteen Rabbit, our brother/sisterhood doen't become real until we get thrown out of the org or we leave.
I didn't inquire as to how the letters get to the not at home people. Nor did I ask how or if she counts the time.
Well let me tell you how they get to the not at home folks. I would take down the address, then go home write a letter to the one not home "Householder" if the name was not on the mail box...
Telling them of the destruction that was about to hit us in 1975. Put my number ( phone) on it.Just encase they wanted to get all this" life messing up" knowledge.Needless to say .... I did get a few nasty calls.... But that made me see where I was doing the Orders from the BIG WIGS in Bethel
They said the Nazi's were brain washed >>>>>>>> -
I asked her, rather told her that the numbers I'm seeing for the U.S. population of JWs was going down, not up, and she told me it was the worldwide numbers that were going up at such an astonishing rate.
That is a classic side step, seeing as the wold numbers don't effect the CO demands of the USA. Anyway if 3% growth if astonishing she needs to out more and I don't mean out in field service. 3% was a bit of a surprising increase but that was because we and most JWs I bet were expecting a drop.
On The Way Out- "These are the same people that say that family comes first, before congregation responsibility..." -- Are you sure about that? I don't think my jw got that memo, that only applies to those in good standing I'm assuming?
read good books
How sad, you give them your best years and they boot you out in the cold. I left in 1977, I envisioned the day would come when these cold hearted monsters would kick us out when our best years were gone. I could see them preassuring some of the middle age brothers back then to leave Bethel, in some not so subtle ways, not promoting them and giving them menial jobs. Yet they would tell us younger brothers don't go it's a bad economy out there. Well it's got to be clear now that these people don't care about you. Tell those you know who are still in don't be suckers, don't be taken in by these New World Carpet Baggers.
On The Way Out- "These are the same people that say that family comes first, before congregation responsibility..." -- Are you sure about that? I don't think my jw got that memo, that only applies to those in good standing I'm assuming?
In theory, it applies to your parents and any children you have, whether they are adults or not.
In theory, you must provide care for any aged parents you have if they need care beyond their
own ability to provide it, unless it is done by other family members.
In theory, you should care for an adult child in a special need circumstance, but you might lose
privileges if the adult child is DA/DF. You could still be in good standing to take your pregnant
daughter and her children into your home, but privileges are often taken.In reality, there are a few CO's and others that do that. In reality, it is worse for family that are
not JW's, but it is even bad for those that are JW. Some engaged in JW activity, even if just
pioneering, often don't care for family, pawning them off on other relatives, or letting them
fend for themselves. Many theocratically busy JW's even let their JW parents fall into the care
of DF'ed/Da'ed relatives because "they have the money" to do it or because "they don't love Jehovah"
so it's okay to take advantage of them. Thankfully, many JW's are not like that. The organization
should follow their own counsel and care for their "family."Yes, I am sure that "family comes first" on paper (in print in WT materials).
Blondie, he can expect a place to live if his "pioneer assignment" doesn't work out for him, but he can't expect any financial help.