world traveller - I'm astounded that you could accuse me of a lack of compassion in my heart. For sixteen years, I worked with students. I was a professor. I loved my students as if they were my own children. And I once attended the funeral of one of my students who was killed by a drunk driver. I have as much compassion in my heart as any person. For you to accuse me of a lack of compassion is despicable.
When I was a prof, one of the courses that I taught was English reading. You would do well to take such a course. In my post, I said that what happend was a horrific tragedy for the family.What more can I say? What other words are there? And, yet, I still don't understand your point. What happened was a tragedy, but it was also an accident.
As I said, I also used to ride a motorcycle; so I know that they are dangerous machines. The officer in question ran into a curb. When you hit a curb on a motorcycle, chances are you are going to take a tumble. When you take a tumble on a motorcycle, there is a good chance that you will suffer serious injury or death.
Again, I still don't know how this tragic accident could reflect badly on Clinton. There is every possiblility that she was totally unaware of the accident when it happened. I wonder, and I am asking you, what it is that she could have done? She cancelled the scheduled rally. What more can she do? Do you somehow blame her for what happened? Do you think that she could have somehow prevented it from happening? She can take the blame for many other things. But for this tragic accident?!?! Do you think that the American public will somehow blame her? For what?