Local Needs.

by strawberry cake 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    This week, My husband and myself were the subject of local needs.

    Our older children were there...We stayed away.

    Reported by my sons... It started thus.."Do not leave the organization!"Then the elder explained how some in the congregation have decided to leave and have been sending messages by text and phone to inform congregation members of their decision.( I had said goodbye and explained my absence to a some friends)The elder warned them not to phone us to encourage us as they would be putting themselves in danger. Also he said these ones will have been visiting apostate sites and reading apostate literature.(oops!)He lied and said that he had listened to what we had to say and it had no substance.( a guess he has to discredit us as he could not give us sufficient answers )He then stressed that we are bad association.( The day before, we were also warned by another elder to stay away from the brothers and sisters or else he would not be able to stop us being DF for Apostacy.) He ended his item with "Do not leave the organization!" again.

    Non of my loyalest friends have called to report...I wonder what's up..???The power of the borg!has taken them over...

    I have my husband, my non JW, loving family.My children accept our decision.

    I am grateful.What about others who whole family life is WT?

    xxx Strawberry Cake

  • hillbilly

    I hope that meeting part is not your lifes' 15 minutes of fame. Welcome aboard!

    The WT must be feeling the outward rush ...


  • llbh

    This is truly horrid . I know from your previous posts that are a strong person. This act of shunning is so wrong what are they afraid of the truth.?

    I wait every day in case i am df ..

    It will give me great personal problems as my wife is still in.

    I wish you and your hubby well



  • willdabeerman

    Sounds very familiar to the way a company I used to worked for try to retain employees that were leaving by the bus full it seemed. It is utter desperation in both cases.

  • Finally-Free
    ( The day before, we were also warned by another elder to stay away from the brothers and sisters or else he would not be able to stop us being DF for Apostacy.)

    Is this elder so stupid that he can't see there's no difference? The end result is the same - no communication with the JWs.


  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    Is this elder so stupid that he can't see there's no difference? The end result is the same - no communication with the JWs. W I think the borg has turned them stupid. xxx SC

  • cognac

    What a bunch of a**holes!

  • yknot

    Be Strong, stand firm and steadfast as 'honest-hearted and rightly disposed ones' are hearing the call to flee the Organization Corporation.

    By the way if you have openly DAd yourselves, they can't DF you. Make sure you send a signature on delivery letter stating your disassociation.

    Sending love and good vibes to yall !!

  • Hope4Others

    Glad you have your childrens support it will help make your decision firmer. Hope4Others

  • Gopher


    I'm no longer a Bible-thumper. Still, one of my favorite sayings about human relations comes from the Bible -- "Perfect love throws fear outside."

    JW's claim to be based on love. The talk that elder gave shows they are dominated by fear. And so are your formerly loyal "friends". They have so much fear of man, they toss aside good friends.

    My old "friends" seem afraid of me now too. Like the old saying, "with friends like those..."

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