Russell was Jewish and Illuminati. Certainly he knew the pyramid had little to do with the Bible at his level. Therefore, the Bible connection, IMHO, was a cover for whatever cultic reference the seeing eye pyramid had.
Russell had already cleverly included the winged disk and the cross-and-crown on the publications to draw those who practiced secret societies to come into this organization. It was just a handy tool.
The TRADITION continued with a transference from the pyramidology to the "Tower Goddess" imagery of the Rutherford Era. The pagan book of Song of Solomon teaches how to make something pagan appear holy and legit. The goddess is represented in every part of life, from constellations in the sky to everyday objects associated with the goddess like a plant, an animal, certain numbers and certain architectural concepts. Thus the "Watchtower" imagery can be seen on Artemis, and the concept of the "wall" and "battlements", symbols representing the WTS, are also pagan references to the breasts of the Tower Goddess, etc.
PYRAMIDOLOGY and the WINGED DISK imagery are a specific reference to a certain focus of Freemasonry/Illuminati, that being the British Israealism movement. That is, Europeans who believe they are part of the 10 lost tribes of Israel, and that prophesies are fulfilled with the natural Jews. Remember, Russell was Jewish and part of an old Illuminati family.
Thus the pyramidology also explains the early focus on ZIONISM. It perhaps represented how one day the Jews would rule the world, only there are two sides of that. The cultic side of that working through "The Mysteries" and the Biblical side of it that prophesied the coming restoration of the Jews. Rutherford, however, got away from seeing a fulfillment in the natural Jews as did Russell and eventually dismissed the Jews along with the Catholic Church as being part of any future planned rule by Jehovah via Jesus.
Interestingly, as a cult, the witnesses are quite similar to the Mormons, are they not? Same kind of "feel" with a focus on spirt-guided leaders. Mormons, of course, are only into genealogy originally because of the same "10 lost tribes of Israel" connection that gives them the "manifest destiny" and hope of ruling the world, especially via the new "promised land", which is considered to be America.
Again, in conclusion, I think Russell definitely knew the difference. The pyramidology was no more than a front that meant something else to some secret British Israelism agenda, now shifted to the more subtle "Tower Goddess" cultic concepts. This goes back earlier than the Tribes of Israel though, and adopts issues related to Semiramis, the wife of Noah. It is no wonder they immediately embraced Alexander Hislop's "The Two Babylons", also strongly anti-Catholic.
Now it is much more subtle, the only reason I think being because the WTS became such a successful BUSINESS and publishing house that it just became more fun to focus on the money and build new facilities, not that that doesn't follow the "Tower Goddess" theme, the goddess of "fortresses" who built great buildings. But of note, along with "The Two Babylons" which used to published by the WTS, in their CD Library, "Babylon the Great Has Fallen, God's Kingdom Rules" is NOT a reference book!!! They must have had a change of heart about that book. But therein lies some of their cultic doctrine.
It's generically in line with Freemasonry fundamentals though, that is, that one day the two lower classes of mankind will be exterminated by the final upper class, who eventually cannot tolerate the two lower classes. I suppose, in terms of pyramidology, it means at one point, the bottom of the pyramid will be destroyed and only the very upper tip of the pyramid will one day remain. In the meantime, those who consider themselves at the very top feel a right to dominanate over all those below them, which empowers them, but also which is possible through their "secret knowledge" that is given to them by the Mother/Tower Goddess. The secret ways of manipulation and propaganda. So that's another part of the WTS, their methology in MIND CONTROL issues.
Evidence now from the Bible that the 70 years begins with the last deportation is proof positive the organization is not interested in the TRUTH and are nothing but a money-making FALSE PROPHET. The corruption of Freemasonry has moved into the chief position agenda now.