Pass me the biggest sickbag ever!!!

by JEMIMAH 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    I think we are all intelligent enough to have figured out that it isn't "real" appears to me (and I could be wrong) to be a tongue in cheek type joke...where they most likely believe a major portion of this...but joke about it so as not to appear to be patting themselves on the back.

    Jem and his relationship with this elder AND his reasons for staying in the JW org appear to me to be HIS business...

    As for me and my household...we enjoyed the post Jem

  • Ranchette

    This was intended to be humorous but I know plenty of elders who would read this and think this fits them to a T and Jem probably does too.

    That's why we need sick bags on the ready!

    LOL, This cracks me up----"Education must be beyond Ph.D. requirements,"

    Let me guess, the PHD education is symbolic and comes from reading the Watchtower and Awake magazines.

    Down here the elders do good to have graduated from high school.
    Some only made it through the 8th grade if that.


  • serenaj92

    I thought the post was funny too. I have seen this before being past around in my excongregation.

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