lisa says:
Eman, in answer to your question, I hope that as the economy gets tighter, the janitors and housecleaners won't have ANY money to send to those bastards, and they'll have to start selling off their real estate holdings
i understand your pain and anger but in the real jw world of wt- there are less than 30 guys who really run the org and they will never be affected sad to say by the economy-
they are so insulated it ain't funny- think about it - if they sold 30 branches and 50 assembly halls and 7000 kingdom halls on just the case alone not including all the insurance polices from old sisters, and stock from wills and so forth the KEY wt men and thier wives will never suffer money wise
sad but true-- the wt over the years is a major corp that has many golden parachutes in place for it's key folks
when you consider out of 6+ million there are only about a good 2 dozen guys who pull all the strings
i read the post on the CO and DO- well even on the Branch level they are all at the mercy of WT-
while the co do get hooked up thier life esp after 25-40 yrs on the road is not a pc of cake esp for co who are not in western countires
most have nothing set aside for old age- i tell my mom all the time don't think only of the western CO think about the ones out in the bush and backwoods life is no pc of cake
but your anger and frustration is understandable - you are like my wife