Watchtower Comments Exposes JW Growth Statistics
by V 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
I heart V (and deacon)!
Justitia Themis always.
two 's up
My Struggle
These need to be distributed more widely.
How cool would it be to have them inserted in the middle of a district convention, playing over the big screen in the stadium. Very V.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Awesome job V... as usual !
You have to check this new comment on the video:
JW's are the fastest growing religion in the US......GO JW's!....Christendom sits with her huge churches empty...Keep preaching the GOOD NEWS OF GOD"S COMING KINGDOM!!
Praise JAH you people!
Maybe someone could respond?
Right on! Good presentation!!!! Thanks.
Just for the record: Per the Bible, only 50% of the witnesses make it, generally. That is five out of 10 virgins. They constitute the huge amount of "grapes of wrath" spoken of in Revelation.
But their "growth" is still encouraging because it is said that both the 666-Beast (Christendom) and the Lamb-Dragon-False Prophet Beast (JW org) will be cast into the lake of fire "while still alive"; meaning while they are still active they will be destroyed. So they need to stay "on line" until that fateful shutdown when BTG is also shut down.
I think they're telling lies about there baptism amount.