Ok, something has been bugging me recently, so please forgive me as I play Devil's Advocate for a moment. Child abuse of any type is horrific, and when it is sexual in nature it can cause unimaginably cruel and life-long damage. I think we can all agree on that. However, in the past irreparable damage to people's lives have also been caused by accusations of child abuse that turned out to be baseless... Families are torn apart, trust is shredded, reputations ruined, all because a child misunderstood something, or fabricated a story to get attention, or was pressured by paranoid and possibly abused adults into remembering things that never happened. from http://www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/falseaccusation.html: "Everyone agrees that nothing could be worse than a child suffering abuse inflicted upon them by an adult. Unfortunately, due to the lowering of standards in reporting, investigating, and gathering evidence to assist child victims, there has been an increase in cases involving false allegations of child abuse and neglect. This increase is evidenced by national statistics (go to Statistics page) which show that only one third of all cases reported are substantiated." In light of the volatile nature of the issue and the severe consequences of a false positive OR a false negative, how are organizations like the Watchtower supposed to handle cases that arise? It seems easy to criticize current policy (which ends up being mostly immune from false accusations with the downside of being ineffective against TRUE accusations) What would you have them do differently? [inkling]
Of Pedophelia and False Positives
by inkling 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I won't say too much- so may others can say things so more eloquently-but will say this. If you are accused of a crime or some major violation at work- they suspend you , perhaps with pay until the matter has been cleared up.
The problem is if you have a position in the org- you have access to children and women. If you have been accused you should not be allowed to continue until the matter has been resolved. that is not done- in fact the accused is given more protection than the possible victim . Rapists and child molesters roaming free in the org among children and women.
I too think the pendulum may have swung too far in one direction, but we have to protect children. It is our duty.
Well, the best person to figure it out is the police, NOT elders. They usually keep it pretty quiet anyway, until they have enough proof. See, they have to work w/ evidence. Let them figure it out just like any other crime. Elders just don't have the training to asses guilt or innocence, period. As a minister myself, I'm a mandatory reporter. I report abuse immediately.
INKLING- I will tell you this much. Most psychologists say that almost NEVER do children exaggerate being abused . They are honest. If something has happened to them , then 99 % of the time ; it is generally true. It is more likely that adults are being untrue about child molestation allegations
I would like to say this in the nicest way possible.....What a Load of Fu*king Crap!!!.....Are you Fu*king Joking!!.....I have taken abused children into my home.....They are messed up!!.....If I ever have someone say this to my face,I will suck thier EyeBalls out of their head..And..Feed them to my dog!!...........Have a Nice Day!..
That is an area I have concern as well. Just the allegations of it are enough to ruin you. Whether it is well founded, or malicious rumor.
I have a Problem with People..Who don`t want to be Very up front with Child Molestation Accusations!..What are you afraid of??..A lie detector test??..Experts in the field of "Child Molestation??..What is your Fear,if you are Innocent??..Don`t you want to know what happened to a child,for them to make them make these statements??.....I do!!.....
Wasanelder Once
How many times have divorcing husbands been the victim of vengeful wives who push children into making accusations? It happens quite often. Usually the investigators can see through the bullshit, but occasionally they don't. My own brother was accused of hitting his kids but the testimony of his ex's own family and depositions from ALL his neighbors at the time showed that she was the one who had not only slapped them in public, but had hit him repeatedly too. ...and she's the good witness while he's been DF'd for many years for dropping her hypocrite ass. W.Once
What is your Fear,if you are Innocent??..
Being falsely accused of child molestation duh. It is a reputation ender and a badge of shame even if you are found innocent and the charges turn up false. Because so many people are dead certain the system is broken and you must be a child molester also you did something legally to get away with it.
Well, the best person to figure it out is the police, NOT elders.