Can someone tell me which watchtower has the new light about the generation change and maybe a link to the article or a thread about it please?
New light -generation change - which watchtower?
by Aphrodite 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
OK I found out it was this one Watchtower - February 15 2008 - page 24 paragraph 15
Does anyone have a scan of the english version? Please?
i dont know it but i thought it was in 1995..i know in october/nov 1995 in the awake, on pg4, they change something about "before the 1914 passes away' and they removed it and put in something entirely different with no i am guessing that year is when the NEW LIGHT (this time with the energizer bunny battery so the light last longer this time)
Its just a re hashed old Rutherford teaching on the generation, from 1927.
This link furnished by Fokyc appears to still be good.
Remember to read the article while playing Britney Spears "Oops I Did it Again" playing in the background to properly set the mood.
It is Feb. 15, 2008 - the generation is the remnant.
The Watchtower of February 15, 2008, (pages 23-25), is offering yet again an updated explanation regarding "this generation," as mentioned by Jesus at Matthew 24:34. But, this is not a "new" understanding, for it is a return to what was presented in the Watchtower back in 1927. The changing explanations over the years of "this generation": C.T. Russell taught that "this generation" referred to people in general, who were living at a significant time in history. (Battle of Armageddon, pages 603-605) J.F. Rutherford changed this in 1927 to apply only to the members of the "new creation," the anointed. "Some members of the new creation will be on the earth at the time of Armageddon." (W27, 2/15, p 62) In 1942, "this generation" was no longer identified with just the anointed. (W42, 7/1, p 204, par. 43) In 1949 it was more clearly explained that it "had its modern counterpart in our generation from A.D. 1914 forward. This generation is the one that sees the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven as foretold by Daniel." It was expected that the generation of 1914 would also be on hand to witness the end of this system. (W49, 7/15, p 215, par. 19) By 1995 time for "this generation" had run out and the explanation needed to be updated. Therefore, "this generation" became "the wayward people who make up this contemporary 'wicked and adulterous generation,'" but no longer limited to any particular date. (w95 11/1 p. 15 par. 21) Now, in 2008, we are told, "As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day 'generation' of contemporaries that will not pass away 'until all these things occur.'" (W08, 2/15, p 23-25) What is presented is the old interpretation of 1927 again. We are going in circles! Maybe the word of Isaiah below apply to us at this time: "O my people, those leading you on [not Christendom !!!!!!!] are causing [you] to wander, and the way of your paths they have confused. Jehovah is stationing himself to contend and is standing up to pass sentence upon peoples. Jehovah himself will enter into judgment with the elderly ones of his people and its princes." —Isaiah 3:12-14.
Guess what the lame horse is on page 23.. (JEST)
Hello Fresia - how are you ?
The GB has blutty well said that the Grear Crowd is a pain in the butt