Verdiago, where, when, at what time did I ever say "kill them all"? You put that in quotes as if I said that? So, you don't like it when people's freedoms are taken... then why the holy hell are you defending these men that have stolen Singleman's freedom? Oh, and nothing should be done about it? God God man, do you have a sense of justice?
Did anyone watch 60 Minutes tonight? Carl Rove should be imprisioned.
by dawg 33 Replies latest jw friends
Those were meant as generalizing quotes; I'm sorry if I seemed to be attributing that sentiment to you. You're right. Singleman does not deserve what has happened to him. I was just questioning the use of prison as the default solution to social problems. The prison system in this country has gotten completely out of hand. I don't think financial, political, or health/drug crimes are properly addressed by imprisonment. But it's all terribly complex, and I don't see an obvious solution.
Vera, Thanks for the retraction... this story isn't about the prison system, but I do agree that prison is being overused to solve problems... this is about Carl Rove, and some US Attorney's using power to hurt their political opponents, to the point of having them placed in prison... they must be punished for this, and this is an offense that warrants prison time.
60 minutes has 0 credibility with me.
We are, after all, talking about the same people who blew it with the Bush AWOL from the National Guard thing. The only reason I watched them last Sunday was that there was nothing else any more interesting on. I did note that their standard for proof hasn't improved much since the Bush story.