Egibi Business Tables, The Watchtower ignores fundamental Evidence!

by VM44 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    The Egibi Banking family lived in Babylon continuously through the time period of the reigns of the Neo-Bablylonian Kings.

    Many of their buisiness records for have survived and provide a detailed description of how business was transacted by the Babylonians circa 600 BCE.

    The discorvery of the Egibi records is not recent. They were found in the later half of the 19th century and are mentioned in many books and articles.

    For example, Google Books has this book, Hours with the Bible, Or, The Scriptuers in the Light of Modern Knowlege, by Cunningham Geikie
    that was published 1892, that mentions the Egibi records and how they provide

    From this book:

    Page 284
    With the fourth chapter of Daniel, the Scripture record of Nebuchadnezzar's life closes. He survived his temporary alienation for some years, and died in B.C. 561, the undisputed ruler of his vast empire. Unfortunately, very vew cuneiform memorials of his reign have survived; nor are there any annals of his campaigns, like those left by some Assyrian kings. His inscriptions refere mainly to the construction of temples, palaces, and public buildings; but they incidentally throw light on his zeal for the gods, and his pride in being virtually the builder of his mighty capital.

    The record of his repairing the Temple of the Seven Lights at Borsippa has already been given, in illustraion by the story of the Tower of Babel. Besides this, we have (?)engthed statement of his building or restoring various temples, at an immense cost, and of his raising the walls, digging the moats, and othewise strengthening the de-

    Page 285
    fences of Babylon, and a very short notice of his expedition to Egypt. Fortunately, however, there have come to light a series of commercial tablets, the business records of a great banking house in Babylon, beginning with the first year of his reign, and continuing for the next 117 years, to the thiry-fifth year of King Darius Hystaspis, B.C. 485. Egibi, the founder of the house, seems to have lived in the later years of the reign of Sennacherib; but though this is implied by a single table of B.C. 677, the unbroken series begins only in B.C. 605. They are of the greatest value in fixing dates; but, besides this, they incidentally throw light on not a few points of Babylonian life. One records a loan of a few shekels to some needy borrower; another the sale or mortgage of great estates. Every legal precaution is taken in the various documents to prevent fraud and secure the exact fulfilment of covenants, under every contingency. Witnesses duly attest each transaction, and each tablet is duly docketed and labelled, after being registered in the government office at Babylon. While the Hebrews were listening to Ezekiel at Chebar, and Daniel was at his duties or studies in the palace, the clerks and princiipals of the great banking-house were quietly working at there desks in the city, discounting bills, advancing loans, and negotiating sales and mortgages, as if the business premises of Egibi were the only important spot in the universe!

    Note particularly that this book states that the Egibi records provide an unbroken series starting in B.C 605 which lasts until B.C. 485.

    The Egibi records show conclusively that the known Neo-Bablyonian Kings list is accurate. At least accurate enough to show there is no "missing 20 year gap" as The Watchtower claims there must be in order to support their chronology that leads to the all-important 1914 date.

    No wonder that although there are many mentions of the Egibi tablets in the literature, there is NOT A SINGLE MENTION of the word Egibi in ALL of the Watchtower publications published since 1879! Not in the printed publications and not in the Watchtower CD-ROM library.

    It certainly deserves to be noted that The Watchtower chose to never mention this particularly important evidience relating to the Bablyon chronology.


  • VM44

    Another publication, available for download from Google Books, that mentions the Egibi tablets.

    Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian, by Samuel Birch (1874)

    The chapter starting on page 85 of the book, The Egibi Tablets, and which was translated by Theophilus Goldrige Pinches, contains the following dates as determined from the Egibi tablets:

    The chronology of the period between B.C. 605 and 517, is, according to the tablets, as follows:

    Nebuchadnezzar III. - B.C. 604
    Evil-Merodach ----------------- 561
    Neriglissar --------------------- 558
    Nabonidus --------------------- 554
    Cyrus --------------------------- 537
    Cambyses --------------------- 528
    Bardes ------------------------- 520
    Nebuchadnezzar IV. --------- 519
    Cambyses restored ---------- 518
    Darius -------------------------- 517

    Further researches and discoveries will doubtless make alternations in the chronology of this period, which the above lists will give some idea of the importance of these documents in determing.

    Note the year of publication of this book, 1874. This is FIVE years before Russell started publication of the The Watch Tower magazine!

  • VM44

    The Watchtower obviously picks whatever evidence it wants to use and discards any evidence that is contradictory.

    As far as I am concerned, The Watchtower should close up shop right now due to the lack of integrity they have demonstrated over the years.

  • Superslave

    Have you read George Orwells 1984?

  • VM44

    Hi Superslave,

    Yes, it is a fascinating book. It almost seems like the author had the JWs and The Watchtower Society in mind while he was writing it.


  • Gill

    Misinformation is Power! The WTBTS is the master of misinformation. For example, their NWT Bible which can be made to say whatever the WTBTS wants it to say. Of course you can prove what the WT says if you use the WT's own corrupt bible.

    Hardly surprising then that they choose to NEVER mention something that would prove them to be fraudsters.

    This is all a sad reflection on those of us who were fooled by them and an even more shameful reflection on the WTBTS!

  • VM44

    The Watchtower does not mention the Egibi tablets because it is a subject about which they do not want people thinking!

    The Watchtower knows it cannot refute the devastating impact that the Egibi evidence has on its faulty chronology.

    And without its chronology, there would be no basis for The Watchtower's authority.

    This is why the subject of the Egibi tablets is something very important to know about. Don't let The Watchtower determine what subjects are not to be brought up!

  • civicsi00

    It's not surprising to me anymore that they discard what they know will expose them. The evidence is there, but they will refuse to face facts at any cost.

  • scholar


    Post 3898

    Celebrated WT scholars have lomg been interested in the Egibi business tablets as they provide a fascinating insight into the every day life of the Babylonians and its economy however these tablets have very little value for chronology. Apostates and higher critics have in recent times peddled the view that these documents support the traditional chronology accounting for every single year of the entire Neo-Babylonian period thus proving that there is no gap of twenty years required for biblical chronology.

    However, there are serveral problems with such a grandiose claim and that is that these business documets have to be interpreted and the data that these documents provide must fit a template and what template did those first scholars who accessed those documents provide. Why was it not Ptolemy's Canon that George Smiith and W. Boscawen utilized. Since those times such a Canon has long since been discredited and recent research by Rol F Furuli has shown that the data in those business documents is unreliable and in fact can be expanded to prove that the Neo-Babylonian period was much longer than traditional chronology allows.

    My problem with all of those business documents legal and otherwise is the lack of historicity. In other words, specific historical data is missing such as the simple fact of the missing 'seven years of Nebuchadnezzer's absence from the throne. Where is that seven years gap accounted for in all of the many thousands of secular documents? I find such a blatant omission very troubling indeed but I am much encouraged by the fact that those celebrated WT scholars have remained true to the infallible Word of God and proved absolutely that there is such a twenty gap between biblical chronology and traditional chronology.

    scholar JW

  • inkling

    Well, since scholar seems to have no problem quoting himself, allow me to quote him as well:

    Freddie, the greatest Bible scholar who has ever lived would have investigated such documents and concluded that along with Ptolemy's Canon are Satanic attempts to deceive and mislead the many. The interpretation of such material conflicts with biblical history and chronology and therefore can only be a museum artefact suitable only for the curiosity of scholars.

    Well, that settles it then. "Freddie" hath spoken. Ah, and be careful of fossils as well, Satan planted them in the ground to trick you.


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