so apparently i am highly recognizable. large dredlocked black man living in colorado with odd sense of humor posts on discussion board is a t-shirt that i didn't know i was wearing. :) i went to a local eatery where they call out your name when your sandwich is prepared. on my sandwich wrapper i wrote 'captain jack sparrow'. on my shake i wrote 'optimus prime'. i find such things hilarious. i sit down and as i'm unwrapping my sandwich a very plesant faced attractive woman says to me, 'is your name dominick?' i think, hey, its my lucky day - not only do i have a stalker, she's an attractive stalker. she extends a hand to shake my own and pulls me a bit closer to her. she says in my ear, 'im pioneer spit.' how freaking random and cool. so we exchange plesantries, resume eating and then part with a handshake that has lingering jw remanants - genuine, telling and honest. we shared a moment of random convergence. i knew her story, she knew mine and there was an odd sense of comfort. cool woman.
six degrees of dredlock seperation
by coolhandluke 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Way cool dom!
on my sandwich wrapper i wrote 'captain jack sparrow'
Off topic a bit -- But that's helarious!
what, no pioneer spit fans? booooo
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
I was going to post something similar, but it wouldn't have been nearly as clever. It was great to meet you. It HAD to be you, I knew in LONE TREE you'd be hard to miss. . .but in a good way.
Same to you, my friend. Yeah, we've got that handshake thing down don't we.
THAT is neat.
"It HAD to be you, I knew in LONE TREE you'd be hard to miss. . .but in a good way." i take that as praise. :D
Very cool...!
That is cooler than cool! It's ice cold!
What an amazing experience for the two of you. That just rocks!
that is way cool!!