Accepting ME

by Sparkplug 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    OldFlame~ You Cheeky Thang you~ And quite handsome at that.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    The photos brought tears to my eyes. There is indeed a beauty to the starkness. It's a wonderful place to be in life where you can look back on where you've been and see some beauty there. And to look at who you've become and see beauty there too, well that's incredible.

    tall penguin

  • wednesday

    I spent most of my life trying in vain to get approval from a group of unloving judgmental people. People who if i stood on my head and walked backward would not have accepted me.

    my doc told me that you must accept that not everyone will approve of you and that is OK. I heard him but it took several years for it to sink in. I didn't really understand that he meant what he said- not everyone will like you. and that can mean losing people we had hoped would approve.

    I could never gain jws approval and to gain some others I'd have to be someone I'm totally not. Character is always the most valued thing.

    Probably you have a destiny to fulfill deki, and perhaps in doing that you will find a counter- part.

  • dinah


    You are stunningly beautiful. Looks like you have an excellent eye for photography also.

    It's where we've been that makes us what we are. For me, there is no desire to go back and change anything, because things wouldn't be as they are now. Now is pretty good for me.

  • dogisgod

    Thank you for sharing. You R quite beautiful. (ps are those merlino sheep?)

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey there Dex,

    Just saw the pix.

    Well, the first one is mighty generic & boring & slightly run down. I guess that probably captures the reality pretty well. I didn't like it though.

    The other pix were great. Especially of the dubs. Oh! Were those REAL sheep?

    Your honesty is refreshing.

    Pretension is always off-putting.

    I'm SO glad you're here.


  • Fatfreek

    Decki, your B&W photos are especially stunning. The shapes and the lines are so pleasing to the eye. You inspired me so that I will try to capture my youthful neighborhood so my grandchildren can see it some day.

    Carmel, I, too can relate to your excellent descriptions. Mine aren't of the farm but of city life where squalor ruled in our part of town -- the north end of New Bedford, Mass. -- near Front Street. In the 50's we could afford no more than $4 - $5 week rent. That qualified us for cold water flats -- they called them tenements.

    We entered through the rear end of the building as we did similar housing when out in the d2d work. The foyers and stairways to the 2nd and 3rd floor always reeked of the smell of heating oil (kerosene) and dog feces. There was never more than one bare bulb for lighting and we always hoped someone didn't break that one just to be mean. The walls had been plastered many years before and had been papered or painted many years before. There were always plaster laths exposed in places.

    Once we moved in, we bleached and scrubbed and painted, but only when we could afford the paint. Inside our set of rooms they were as clean as could be, considering. The linoleum flooring was never new and bare boards, with large gaps, were often what we walked on. Who could afford a vacuum cleaner?

    I question whether these structures had ever been insulated as the drafts in winter were ever present. No such thing as storm windows. The fumes from the ever-leaky heater ductwork were stifling, at times. We were lucky to have a natural gas Humphrey heater.

    The noise was seldom tolerable by today's standards. Screams from fighting neighbors were the norm. Dogs were always barking.

    Bathtime was no fun. It meant heating water in one large cooking pot and one utility bucket. That's really all the small kitchen range would hold. As a teen I would use the YMCA (it wasn't long before we were counseled for that wicked practice) for my daily shower.

    Life today is very good.


  • XOCO

    WOW Sparky these are some awesome pics... you have an excellent eye. i'd wished i had your eye to take great pics like these.


  • wednesday

    I once (at about age 5) lived in a trailor park that was used mostly for migrant workers in fruit picking season. The trailors had no bathrooms ( they didn't used to ) and the bath house was in the center of the park and we had to all use it. Recall seeing some scorpions and creepy stuff in there. The trailor was so small that we were all in one room basically. More like a very tiny travel trailor today. I once went outside for #1 and sat on a bed of fire ants. ouch.

    my hubby and i have lived in some" interesting "places over the years.

  • Sparkplug

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