"...it's only a half hour"

by Dagney 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    "We'll surround you, don't worry." So unless a catastrophe happens between now and Sunday, I will actually be setting foot in a KH, the first time other than a funeral in 6+ years. (I'm getting the shakes just thinking about it.)

    A friend is giving the talk, he takes it personal when I don't go...shiver. He is dear to me; I will do it for him.

    Had some comments today from last week's CO visit. The MS's went out for beers after the servants meeting, they got into it over "presiding in a fine manner over (their) ...households." (1 Tim. 3:12.) Each one was trying to out do the other in what they each perceived was a "fine manner." And more disgruntled comments from the body about "not doing enough, it is never enough to the CO."

    I love to hear this stuff.

  • momzcrazy

    Maybe some good Irish Coffee will help the time go by faster. You are a good friend, I hope he is as good a friend as you.


  • Gopher

    Will you take notes (with highlights noted for later sarcastic commentary)? That way maybe the time will go faster, you won't go as crazy, and you can give us a report on your friend's talk -- and the kinds of things they make him say during such a talk.

    The MS's went out for beers after the servants meeting, they got into it over "presiding in a fine manner over (their) ...households." (1 Tim. 3:12.) Each one was trying to out do the other in what they each perceived was a "fine manner." And more disgruntled comments from the body about "not doing enough, it is never enough to the CO."

    This kind of stuff wore me out about being a JW for so many of my adult years. I thought it would get better and more loving in there, but it never did.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Each one was trying to out do the other in what they each perceived was a "fine manner."

    This is really a very vague area. Some preside nicely, while the majority I have known do so very badly. For instance my sissy's hasbeen/abuser presided by telling his family that he was jehovah and they better obey or else. Then he would rattle on about her having to be in subjection to his head-SHIT. Then he would ban all RATED - R movies. even in other people's houses. Once he came to my house and "Caught" my wife and her family in my livingroom watching Terminator 2. It had just come out on video and my brother-in-law who was an elder and regular pioneer had rented it. Sissy's hasbeen pitched a fit and sat down until I arrived while reading an ASLEEP magazine that was in Spanish, a language he didn't know how to read. Oh, and the mag was UPSIDE down......LOL He even said, "I'm going to tell the ELLL-DERRRZZ ! I WIIIIILL !!" Oh how theocratic! Oh what a wonderful display of integrity to the bible-ban on RATED-R movies!

    This turd lived his life like this and all along beating my sissy. He broke her back, messed up her neck, drank to excess and did pot and meth. He was also going "out in service" with a gay brother and having sex with him. Service is right....Servicing each other. I would frequently put him on the spot when he would nag me about this or that transgression I had committed. "YOU WATCH RATED R MOVIES!!" One thing I have to give him credit for, he never watched any rated - r movies as long as I knew him. So I would just tell him how stupid he was. He can't and won't watch any rated - r movies but it's okay to beat your wife and cornhole your kids after you smoke methamphetamine?

    I hope you reconsider going to that meeting.....

  • Dagney

    Thanks momz, he is.

    I'm thinkin flask. Orrrrr...print out "V" WT study comments and bring with. I mean, that is the worse...the WT study...don't think I can do it.

  • Dagney
    One thing I have to give him credit for, he never watched any rated - r movies as long as I knew him.

    LOL. Well it's "one" thing. I am sooo sorry for what happened to your sister TotH.

    I know what you mean Gopher, I know some good brothers tried to make some things happen for the cong when the CO came through, and it was just to no avail. They just tell him what he wants to hear now.

    It was quite a conversation I had today with friend about this; I'm glad they still want to tell me the scoop. I told them that was how I felt, nothing was ever enough and they treat people like crap. I'm not crap, and I don't need to hear it to live a good life.

  • StAnn

    You don't have to stay for the WT study, you know.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I'll be with you in spirit Dagney! Sorry you have to go, I'm not sure I could, I'm already dreading/thinking how I can get out of an upcoming funeral.


  • Dagney

    Thanks BB! How are you? I'm sorry you have the funeral, and have to go to the service at the KH.

    I had to go to a few over the past few years. Each time just before I went I took some quiet time to search my heart and mind to see how I really felt about things, and what I wanted for my life. That conviction, (mainly I don't wish to be a JW) helped keep me from losing my cool and nerve when confronted with all those people. You have a happier life than most JW's, just remember that.

    I know I don't have to stay for the study. But there are a bunch of people coming to this shindig...so there probably will be food and drink afterward, which will be fun. I will try not to roll my eyes too much during the study.

  • Hope4Others

    Take a few deep breaths before you enter the door, sit near the back, and leave after the talk and smile as you walk out. You can do it!


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