Is this a new change with the do not call list?

by DT 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    There are a few threads going about getting the witnesses to stop coming to their door. I was curious, so I called the headquarters to ask about the best way to get on their do not call list. They said to just ask them to put you on their do not call list. I asked if this will stop it indefinitely or if they will keep coming back to update their records. I was told that the elders are supposed to call on the telephone now instead of coming to your door. I was surprised, because I never heard of this. Can anyone verify this? If it's true, I think that's great. We should get the word out so a lot of people can get on their do not call list. Before it seemed kind of pointless, because they still kept coming, sometimes with determination to get you off the list.

    If anyone else wants to call to see if they stick to their story, the number is (718) 560-5000

  • sir82

    True, they changed this last year. There was a BOE letter on it.

  • DT
    True, they changed this last year. There was a BOE letter on it.

    Does anybody have a copy?

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    They are supposed to phone and say "are you quite sure you don't want us to call?"

  • BluesBrother
    I was told that the elders are supposed to call on the telephone now instead of coming to your door.

    I would not have wished to make those telephone calls - it seems daft to me..BTW being on the list is NO GUARANTEE that the local dubs will not still call . This is due to :

    1] The zealous fool who still calls anyway out of Christian duty to the rest of the family.

    2] The sloppy or ill prepared group leader who forgets to tell them not to avoid your door

    3] The dubs being so engrossed in their own conversation between themselves that they forget to look out for your number..

    I would not bank on a never - disturbed Sunday ..

  • Jim_TX
    "I was told that the elders are supposed to call on the telephone now instead of coming to your door."

    I think that I would've asked to see this 'policy' in print. Fax it to me, please.

    This way - when/if - they violate their 'policy' you have it in print - and can then contact a lawyer.


    Jim TX

  • Gopher

    After demanding to be put on the DNC list, you could post a sign on your front door:

    "Jehovah's Witnesses -- I am on your do not call list. Check the territory card again."

  • DT

    Thanks for your responses. Actually, I don't want to be on the list. My problem is that they wont come to my door. I would be happy to talk to them about their false prophecies, pedophilia scandal, UN association, etc. However, I think it would be great if more of the public knew they could get on the do not call list. Does anybody know of a good way to spread the word?

  • DT

    I'm working on a way to spread the word about this. I was just wondering if this change is worldwide, or if it only affects certain countries. Some countries don't have many telephones so I expect they still make personal visits to update their records.

  • Jim_TX

    "Does anybody know of a good way to spread the word?"

    Well... you could rent a billboard - and advertise on it.

    Or... if you create a public charity - or 'help' organization, you could create a PSA (Public Service Announcement) and send it in to your local Radio (and perhaps TV) stations. By law (FCC) they're required to air a certain amount of 'public service' for the community.

    If you go the PSA route - keep it to about 15 seconds... 30 seconds may get air-time - but only rarely or in the wee hours of the mornings.

    Good Luck,

    Jim TX

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