I love you guys, but this thread was just a joke... Come on folks...LOL!
I believe Hugh Hefner may be God! Who would you pick? LOL!
by dawg 21 Replies latest jw friends
I love you guys, but this thread was just a joke... Come on folks...LOL!
I hope so, Dawg. I was scratching my head. I think of you as being a big smarter than this. I know of guys who on the one hand know Hef is a sleaze bag and then on the other hand can't help but be titilated by the magazine. That's understandable, the titilation. But I think most men and women realize that Hef is a pig with no scruples.
NO!!! thought you were being se-ri-us (okay you need a zulu accent to make it sound good)
If you don't agree with me that Hugh Hefner may be a GOD, then who would you pick as a replacement?
Sometimes, when guys are being twits, people will call them dicks. Yeah, he may be a GOD, a god of DICKS.
Hugh Hefner is no God.....I bet he can't even bend down to pick something up from the floor without going......eeeuurghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! like all old people do.....and he has a stannah stairlift with a playboy bunny logo on it
Hugh Hefner is cool. If he's happy and not hurting anybody else, more power to him! By the way, if it weren't for his money, none of those women would be with him. So, it's not just men who are shallow. Money is the ultimate aphrodisiac. If it weren't for an unlimited string of shallow women who were attracted to money like moths to a flame, ugly guys everywhere wouldn't have a chance in hell! Do you think hot chicks would line up around the block to date Hugh Heffner or Bill Gates if they didn't have millions of dollars? Nooooooo! Men always seem to get a bad rap for being shallow. The truth is that most men realize that women are just as shallow, if not more so. So, men have learned that they shouldn't invest any significant amount of emotion or caring into somebody who is obviously persuing them for money, or because he has an expensive car or house etc. It's a game of users using each other. The one who wins the game is the one who completely used up the other first. If you're a single man in the dating scene, you know that most of the time a first date is more like applying for a loan at the bank than it is an emotional thing. The first question you're asked is "What do you do?" or "Where do you work?" followed by "Where do you live?" and then "What kind of car do you drive?" It's a financial fact-finding mission. Does he have enough resources to shower me with money and gifts?
I'm lucky. I found a woman who loved me for who I was. How do I know? Because when I met her, I didn't have two dimes to rub together and I was a single dad. She didn't marry me for the money, because I didn't have any. And it damn sure wasn't because of my looks! LOL. I think guys with money should all pretend to be poor. Rent a crappy apartment and drive a beat up car. The girl that will dedicate herself to him when she thinks he's poor will probably be a good catch. If I remember correctly, the vows go something like this: "In sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, till death do us part!" I believe in that. Hugh Heffner has learned to manipulate the manipulators. He's an American hero. And, he's doing affluent men an important service. He's identifying gold-diggers. So, rich guys everywhere know not to date anybody who's been dating Hugh Heffner.
Now, should Hugh Heffner be a God? No. I think that for an entity to qualify as a god, that individual should transcend earthly desires. I'm not sure that entity exists. I'm not sure I'd want Hugh making the rules, anyway. I hate pajamas and robes.
p.s my avatar isn't the playboy bunny aged like hugh hefner
Hugh Hefner is cool. If he's happy and not hurting anybody else, more power to him!
That's the problem, he is hurting people. His magazine traumatized me when I was 9. I caught my dad looking at one. Hugh is a pig.
Dawg said "I love you guys, but this thread was just a joke... Come on folks...LOL!" I understand, Dawg. But it does raise an interesting question. Who do you really admire as a man (besides Pres. Bush, of course). Dead or alive, any heroes?
That's the problem, he is hurting people. His magazine traumatized me when I was 9. I caught my dad looking at one. Hugh is a pig.
FlyingHighNow, I'm not so sure I agree that he is a pig. At least not for the reason you've given. I think that erotica has its place. For instance, what would you call the artists responsible for classical paintings or sculptures that feature nudity? Pigs? I wouldn't, and I don't think that you would, either. What I'm getting at is that there is a place and time for everything. I wouldn't blame Hugh Heffner so much for traumatizing you as I would your dad. Heffner is not, nor has he ever been the sole purveyor of pornographic images. Your dad shouldn't have been viewing Playboy when his young daughter was around to see it. There are a lot of things that grown adults do in private that they should never do in front of their children. I am of the opinion that viewing pornography is definitely one of those things that shouldn't be done in front of a child. Trust me, my daughter is 8 years old. I would never do such a thing if I thought she had even a remote chance of seeing it. And I'd probably beat the living crap out of anybody who exposed her to that.
The western view of sexuality and nudity is such that anyone who tries to introduce nudity (whether tasteful or otherwise) into the mainstream is viewed as a smut peddler or pervert. Let's be honest: All of us enjoy nudity. I'm a heterosexual male, so I love to see nude women. I'm sure heterosexual females like to see nude men. If we didn't, there probably wouldn't be too many people on the planet! Procreation wouldn't happen. I enjoy my wife being nude, but not in public, and not where my kid can see it!
I'm sorry that you were traumatized by what your dad did. I hope one day you can be at peace with yourself and what you saw. By the way, Hugh Heffner is a dork. Hopefully when I'm in my 80s, the woman who shares my bed every night will be with me for some reason other than money or fame.