Watchtower Comments VIDEO 3.3.08 Anointed New Light
by V 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Read paragraph 13 and you'll find out how crafty they really are! First,they use the word not all the 144,000 were selected in the first century. How do they really know that? Then they use ''apparently'' slowed down. How do they know that? Finally,they use the words ''it did'' continue into the modern times. There you have it! The calling started,slowed down,and than continued. GREAT JOB V!
V I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellence in computer graphics
There is a jest in the picture of the annointed (the picture with 8 persons)
The 4th and 6th guy(counting from the left) are the same person. the 6th guy has been photoshopped ever so slightly to make it look like someone else. HA! I caught that one about a month ago.
V .... I thought it would be neet if you could draw a separate box around the 4th and 6th guy then pan until the 4th and 6th guy are in view then stop panning and flash the boxes then continue panning.. If you could do this I would tottally freak out!!!!!!!!.
That last zoom of the bright lights from the Rev book sure hit hard - very good effect!
I don't think the WTBTS actually denies people their chance at being anointed ,you can partake at the memorial , whether they believe you or not is not even an issue .I personally don't believe women are included in the martyr pact with christ but the bible is clear women in the first century were "anointed" apparently this does not mean you are in the number of 144k , leading me to conclude that you can be anointed with spirit yet not in the remnant.
V -- Wow! Great video graphics! Thanks for taking the time to present this this way. It is most enjoyable. Also, you noticed another discrepancy in WTS doctrine. Just for YOU, I'll explain a contrasting concept, since sometimes comparing what WTS believes and what the Bible teaches and what is really going on gets confused together.
Jehovah's witnesses up until 1996 were indeed, along with the natural Jews, considered a special covenant people. The parable of the VINEYARD WORKERS is about this organization. As noted in your video, 1935 was a cutoff of those who believed they were of the anointed, creating a two-class system within the organization. This is reflected in the parable where the 3rd through 11th-hour workers did not know up front they would receive a "penny" which represents the heavenly hope. Obviously, they thought they would get "whatever is fair" which would be less than that, thus the "earthly hope." But it turns out, when the work was done after the 11th hour, during the 12th hour the workers were paid from last to first, and ALL received a "penny", meaning the heavenly hope. So the increase in the anointed makes sense, since ultimately ALL collectively were "invited" after the 11th hour, ALL are offered the heavenly hope. That is, all that answer the call.
TWO-CLASS SYSTEM: The numbers are that 3-1/2 days is a "half hour" (Rev. 8:1, 11:9,11). Thus 7 days is one hour = 7 years. The 11 hours of work is thus for 77 years counting from 1914 to 1991. BUT, the appearance of the 3rd-hour workers, those who were not told up front they would receive the "penny" appear 21 years after 1914, which is 1935!! That's when the official "other sheep" were recognized. This is when the two-class system within Jehovah's people begun.
Basically, in the two-step process, where you have the anointing first and then the sealing, the 3rd through the 11th-hour workers were not anointed first then sealed, they were anointed and sealed at the same time after the Christ arrives to pay the workers.
So TECHNICALLY, during the "last hour" of 7 years from 1991-1998 there should have been an increase in anointed ones within the WTS. BUT...Christ does not arrive to eat the last supper until mid-70th-week Passover, April 6, 1993. Note that 70 weeks ends in 36 CE. 70 weeks is 490 years. Christ arrives during the 70th week for both the first and second coming. The first time he dies at mid-week "ending gift and sacrifice", the second time after arriving he ends "gift and sacrifice" again by eating the last Lord's Supper after which the significance of that ritual is abolished. After that he workers are paid.
BUT... since these workers are being anointed and sealed into the kingdom after the Last Passover, they don't partake! The Passover/Lord's Supper was to be kept in remembrance until Christ arrived! After his return there is no need to maintain the Memorial. That is, for those truely anointed and understand. Therefore, the huge continuous surge in anointed members being sealed into the kingdom was invisible for the most part. In practice, some who are chosen but who don't fully understand or cannot aggressively function within the secret society of Christ's followers (the JIOR) may still be part of the public organization and partake. This is not held against them. Therefore, some of these newly anointed ones may be genuine anointed and their presence is prophesied and expected and perfectly consistent to what is actually going on.
So you have many, many "other sheep" anointed after 1993 who are secretly anointed and don't partake because they understand it is not required and they wish to remain anonymous. Others who have become anointed but are left outside the secret society may feel a need to express this in the JW sitting of partaking. This is reflected in those who are inside the banquet with the "prodigal son" and the older brother who remains outside the bandquet but who are not rejected. For practical reasons some remain in the public organization while others can become part of the secret societies.
1ST-HOUR WORKERS NOT TOLD IN ADVANCE: Finally, the Bible shows that this is all a surprise for the 1st-hour workers, those anointed from the beginning of the work in 1914!! This is part of the darkening of the sun and moon spoken of and the "nodding" of the 10 virgins whose lamps grow dim. They do not understand this clearly until after the fact. Of note, though, if the 10 virgins, who represent the original anointed, and the ones who are paid LAST, meaning slightly before the fall of 1998, only HALF of them are awake enough to the truth to actually get sealed. Half of them are "foolish virgins."
So basically there is no seating shortage. In fact, as the Bible shows, because the wedding feast is not filled up with those invited, their seats are replaced by others who had not been invited in before. So basically half fail! These make up the "grapes of wrath" spoken of in revelation. The rotten fruit on the vine.
NOT 144,000 BUT 1,440,000! Finally, the anointed are represented as a tree, an olive tree, and gentiles are thought to be grafted in to places left by unfaithful Jews. Isa 6:13 speaks of this cutting down of the tree because of unfaithfulness, but not 100% cut down. A "root" of 10% of the original tree is to remain natural Jews. Thus 10% is the 144,000! The other 90% is 1.296,000 gentiles!
In the context of the 1st century Christians, the apostasy set in quickly, even when the apostles were alive so there were not going to be a great many anointed ones finally selected. Further, the apostasy would get to be so bad that the Christian congregation would not be recognized as even functioning for "2300 evenings and mornings" during the final apostasy of 1260 years ending in 1996. The temple would "come into its right condition" again after the 2300 evenings and mornings. 2300 "evenings and mornings" make up 1150 days, since an evening and a morning make up 1 full day. Therefore the temple would function for the last 110 years of the apostacy; that is, from 1886-1996. 1886 is the first year the SIS was published by the WTS and thus this chronology further identifies the WTS as the "temple in its right condition". Getting back to the point of numbers, again, when the call goes out for the sealing the numbers are not filled up from among those who should have come into the kingdom from the WTS, so these are replaced. Remember, even of the first-hour workers, the 10 virgins who set out, only HALF are sealed, the other half, the 5 foolish virgins, don't make the grade.
This means the current doctrine about the "anointed" among JWs is completely misunderstood, underscoring how Jehovah has now abandoned the official organization and placed the GB into spiritual darkness, where they belong.
CONCLUSION: So in conclusion, THANKS for your video presentation again. Know, indeed the WTS don't understand what's going on with the 144,000 first and foremost that the 144,000 are natural Jews but the entire "heavenly hope" number is really 1,440,000! And those selected do not fill that number when the covenant expires for both Jews and JWs in 1996. BUT...this rise in the anointed is theoretically legit, representing a small percentage of the actual "other sheep" who got sealed into the kingdom beginning in 1993, only we don't see them because after Christ arrives the Memorial "gift and sacrifice" ends! But some may partake to prove their presence and that, indeed, some are still being sealed into the kingdom. Some of these new ones may be legit and maybe some not but I would think the majority are truly anointed and their situation is such that they remain in the public organization and display themselves as anointed. So it's actually reassuring to see them, and for that, I especially thank you for his video piece.
You have UNDERSTANDING, V, and just wanted to share the background from the other side of the anointed, the "wise virgin class" as to what is going on with the organization. The organization may have been kicked out, but not individuals. In fact, the rise in the anointed are a testament to the Evil Slave/GB that the scriptures are being fulfilled.
If you want to catch the WTS in another false teaching, just expose the VINEYARD WORKERS parable where everybody gets the penny! This is related to the "anointed." The WTS wants to be the persecuted 11th-hour workers against whom are murmured. They have a persecution complex. Problem is, they make the 1st-hour workers Christendom. Fine. Only the 1st hour workers don't lose their penny. There was nothing wrong with their work. They worked the full day. So they got their penny and nothing more. They thought they'd get "extra" for their longer work, but it didn't work out that way. So how is it that Christendom gets the penny? Obviously a misunderstanding. Furthermore, if only the WTS as the 11th hour workers are approved for heaven, who and what about the 3rd, 6th and 9th-hour workers? They all get the penny too! Who are these?
So you see the WTS is TOTALLY CLUELESS!! They don't realize the 1st-hour workers are sort of like the "older brother" class in the parable of the Prodigal Son. The older brother murmurs against the younger brother messiah since they thought they were more entitled. Thus the older brother does murmur against the younger brother, these newly anointed ones invited into the kingdom. But the older brother does not lose his father's blessing. He's not kicked out because of murmuring. Yet he still does not join into the banquet. Jehovah permits this and it is understandable. Some remain on the outside who are anointed.
So likewise, there are still two classes of anointed at this point. Those secretly anointed in the secret society and those who remain in the public organization for whatever reason. So that's how I'm reading this increase in the "anointed" ones, as evidence of those who could not be inducted into the secret society, and that Jehovah may be inspiring them to partake to confirm superficially what is going on behind the scenes as far as the anointed go.
SO, great to expose the WTS as a false prophet and to show they are clueless. BUT, don't confuse that with the reality of Christ, Jehovah, the truth of God's word and the special connection of the WTS to the "true religion" that would be recognized for 110 years from 1886-1996. The Bible is true and the anointed are of the heavenly class, and indeed, that number should continue to increase until the final one is sealed, though the majority will rightfully not partake. It's a JOY to see the increase. Truly!
Thanks, again, ever so much, for your wonderful presentation.
And remember. If ever YOU feel the "call" you must rise up and open the door. Many are called but fell based on WTS doctrine that you can't be called that it's not possible and they ignore the call and end up getting passed by, unfortunately. Holy spirit sometimes anoints them in spite of this confusion. No biggee since it will all be worked out after Armageddon in clear black and white. But the "loose ends" anointed ones who visibly still partake is perfectly consistent with what is really going on behind the scenes in the JIOR.
V, you da man!
In "The Finished Mystery", which is the "meat in due season" that the FDS insists gave them the stamp of approval from Jesus in 1919 to speak for him, we are told on page 29:
"Numbers of Christians were tied together and thrown into the sea. Seventeen thousand were slain in one month; and during the continuance of this persecution in Egypt alone 144,000 Christians died by violence, besides 700,000 that died through the fatigues of banishment or the public works to which they were condemned."
This is in the 4th century, that the number of annointed was way beyond being surpassed.
Someone has been caught telling a whopper. -
The Watchtower is taking the p*ss churning out all this current JWs actually KNOW what they're supposed to believe these days...?
Brilliant V - thanks!!!
It just gets better and better. I love the narrator's "shockingly, they came out with new light" line!
Anyway. I commented on it.
They are telling me that the anointed's dwindling was a sign of the end. Yet, from 2005 to 2007, they have had an increase of those partaking to more than 9,000. So much for the end being near.
Excellent, as usual. I can't thank you enough for doing these. We need to think of ways to promote these to even more people.