Hi. This is my first time in a discussion forum. I'm an ex-JW who hasn't "officialy" left the religion because I'm afraid my family will shun me. I've been "inactive" for 10 years. My Mom has started threating me with shunning. She wants me to go back even though I have told her numerous times that I just don't believe in that religion. She has made it clear that if I don't go back soon I will have very little if any contact with my family. I'm angry. I think this practice of zero tolerance for anyone who isn't a witness is mean and hurtful. I'm a good person. I don't do things that any normal person would consider bad. I'm not a threat to my family's religious beliefs. I'm not trying to get my sisters to do anything bad. It's not fair!
Family shunning
by LunaFing 26 Replies latest jw experiences
it's not fair. It's an unjust religion and shunning is one of their really good tools to enforce compliance.
LUNAFING- Welcome to the board friend ! I'm sorry you are being treated this way by your mom. They truly are hateful in how they try to judge you as a " bad " person because you disagree with their beliefs. If you have been inactive for 10 years it should be pretty obvious to your mom and family that you are going to stay that way. Have they been associating regularly with you through all these years with no lapses ? If so, then I think I'd call their bluff and continue doing as you have - just don't talk of witness stuff when you are with them . Just talk about normal family stuff. You know weather, what to eat , aunt Millies hairdo, whatever , just stay off witness topics , it should work out in time. Good luck friend, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Welcome to JWD!
This topic has a quote that might be useful to you. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/153619/1.ashx
It's a statement from the Society that they don't shun those who drift away. (Of course, they often do shun them, but it might make your family reconsider.)
read good books
Just like Orwell's 1984 they say they don't shun, but my Dad and brother have shunned me for twenty years. Good Luck with your family, your gonna have to play games because of that stupid religion.
What they do is wicked and unloving. Ask for a scriptural reason for their shunning and see what they say, remind them you are not DF.
I feel sorry for you going thru this but you cannot win in dealing with cult members.
mind my own
No, its really not fair at all!! I had a very similar experience, so I can understand where you are coming from.
Welcome to this forum, you will find many people here that you can relate to. I have personally received so much support and love from my new friends here. We all understand what you are going thru! It is my hope that you will find as much comfort and support here as I have.
Welcome Luna fing
This is totally horrid.
I have just recieved an email from a good friend of mine, a faded JW like you. he said something to an active JW in response to a direct question. The so callled freind then said i value your friendship but until you sirt this out with the elders i will no longer be inviting you round. Sounds familiar doesn't it.
I hope things go well with you, what they do shows them up for they really are
Welcome to jwd LunaFing.
I am in a similar situation, i faded but im still scared my family are going to shun me.
Its a dispicable practise.
Im glad you found the board though.
Homerovah the Almighty
Hard to believe your mother would come up with a stunt like that after you've been out now for 10 years.
Any person whether family or not doesn't deserve any respect toward them if thats the kind of respect they are presenting to you.
On the most part I shun my JW family mostly and my non-jw family members I'm quite close to.
To even think for a second that I should play the bad person role out of some else's stupidity and ignorance was never going to be a stipulation in my relationship with them.....period
My advise turn the table around on them and threaten to shun them, unless they are willing to offer personal respect.