"Important and Exciting Announcement Next Thursday"
Okay, so that subject has reappeared several times on this forum, but turns out to be the new Hall Cleaning Schedule. Also, we've seen:
"Another Stupid JW Email Going Around"
Usually some stupid poem or fabricated experience.
So, would it work for JWD members to get together and circulate an exciting new JW Urban Legend?
Many in the local Congregations have been confronted by householders quoting from an NBC news story about an abundance of pedophiles being protected in the Jehovah's Witness Congregations. Just today I made a call to the Service Department about a pioneer sister that was so upset from an experience at the door that she hasn't been able to return to the ministry. For those of you with similar cases, you will be happy to know that letters are now being sent out to all the Congregations in the US explaining the truth. So, you can reassure those that need some 'time off' that "Mother" is coming to help.
It seems that originally the Society was going to ignore the news item. After all, as C. T. Russell said, "If we stop to kick every dog that barks at us, we'll never get anywhere." However, due to the seriousness of this subject, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has officially filed suit against NBC news for this story: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21917798 . They are also filing suit against Silent Lambs for the claim that the Society has spent $12.5 million to gag the victims: http://www.silentlambs.com/newsletter/NewsLetterItem.cfm?SendoutID=566
The brother explained that there is more to come in the letter, so be sure to mention to all the friends that this letter will be read to all the congregations as soon as they get their copy.
Brother Circuit Overseer"
What do you think? What would the reaction be? Sorry if you think I'm an idiot for imaging such a thing, I'm living on a lack of sleep right now...